IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to inform you about some gravest concen. I am Sezal working in your company as computer engineer since last july. I have taken this job because I wanted to upgrade my skills and gain some profess
My name is Gurpinder and I am working as an assistant manager in one of your stores which is located in Kanata. I am writing this letter to inform the few issues that we should focus on.
I am writing this letter to inform you that I recently have been a part of your reputed company as a salesperson. I was more than delighted to get such an opportunity to work over here. Initially, it was not to earn mone
I am lily. I have joined the part-time job as a Receptionist in your Paradise Hotel since May. I have taken the job to gain some experience and which would helpful in my future career also. I am writing to your kind at
I am Rona Lyn Olivar, one of the part-time receptionists at your Sea View Hotel. I have been working here since July and I have taken the job to gain some experience that I thought would be helpful for my future career.
I am writing to you to express you I noticed there are some problems in your accounting system and other sections which I paid your attention to them because most of them have a significant impact on your benefit's compa
I'm writing to bring your notice to some problems I've been having at work and 219189 is my employee identification number. I began working here as a part-time employee on November 1st in order to obtain expertise in th
I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the issues that I have been facing in the company. My employee registration number is 219189. I have started working here as a part-timer from the 1st of November as I w
I am writing a letter to draw your attention to a situation concerning my part time job. I started my job as an Account since last month. I joined the job to support my expenses towards the education. However, after work
I have been the admin assistant in your company for the past 6 months. I was happy when I got a job in this multi-national company. I took this job not only because of the salary package you have offered, but, the pleasu
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