IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is always said that “Prevention is better than cure’’ as suffering from diseases brings a lot of side effects for the person. Although a range of different perspectives and opinions are available on this aspect, I str
Some people feel that the expenditure on healing investigations is considerably high and prevention is a better option to save from diseases. In this essay, I will discuss whether I agree with this statement. Firstly, I
Spending small amount of money to stay healthy is better than spending a huge amount of money for medications to restore tto health.This essay agrees with this ideas because being aware and responsible of diseases preven
The main tremendous expense from most of the countries is in the health sector. For instance, doing the research or treatment for people who suffered from their illness could burn the goverment's money. In addition, a pr
Incessant innovation in technology and advanced research in the medical sector developed cures for almost every disease. It is still claimed by people that it is better to practice safety measures to prevent illness rath
Nowadays, many people are suffering from many debilitating diseases such as cancer and diabetes. It is not just an experience of physical suffering, but also involves a financial burden to individuals and the government
Nowadays, many people are suffering from many debilitating diseases such as cancers and diabetes. It is not just an experience of physical suffering, but also involves financial burden to individuals and the government t
The most effective way to reduce the cost of experimenting as well as curing diseases is to follow several safety precautions to remain healthy and disease-free. In my opinion, this is the best way to keep people physic
It has been proved that medical procedures are costly and time-consuming. Thus, it is better to prevent diseases rather than spend hours and days in hospitals and clinics. I personally agree with the above argument and
Undoubtedly, there is a quote saying that “prevention is better than cure”. Whereas some people would believe that having cautiousness is a better option in comparison to scientific research on the treatment of new disea
It is argued that Researching and Curing diseases is more expensive so it will be wise enough to spend money on methods of prevention. I totally disagree with the said statement that preventive measures are better than r
Many believe that preventing diseases is more important that research and treatment because that is less costly. In my opinion, investments in preventive measures should have a greater emphasis because this will give a b
It is widely believed by the strata of our population that taking precautions is more effective than curing illnesses. Because not only does our government need to plan more budget towards the health department but we ar
Nowadays, it is common for people to refer to doctors to treat their illnesses. However, some might suggest prevention over the cure since the price of treatment may be a little too costly. I don't fully agree with this
In this contemporary world, diseases are being increased rapidly. So there are humans who claim that researching and curing disease is too expensive as a result, they opine that it is better to take preventive measures a
It is said that it is better to prevent a health problem rather than try to care for it after infection because the process of curing is required a considerable amount of money. Admittedly, I completely agree with the st
In the contemporary world, people are increasingly becoming concerned about their health and Individuals are being cautious about choosing a healthier lifestyle rather than spending huge amounts of money on disease inves
As a matter of fact, everybody doesn’t want to fall sick because it takes a lot of time, money and energy. A wide number of people would think that most treatments, which hospital staff spend more time and huge amounts o
It is argued by many that scientific research on the cure for illness is too expensive and it would be better to spend this money on preventative methods. This essay completely disagrees with the statement. Even after ta
There has been an overall belief regarding the importance of investing money to prevent disease rather than cure, and the reason behind that is the amount of money which should be dedicated in relation to treating miscel
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