IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's society, there is an ongoing debate regarding task given to children by teachers to do at home. While some opine no homework policy should be adopted by schools. Others contend, afterschool work is vital and h
Some think that giving homework can not affect substantially children's various skills, however, others say that giving lots of tasks is one of the most fundamental ways to achieve success. In spite of the fact that, at
Nowadays, people have different views about the perspective of homework. One school of thought believe that homework should not be involved in the teaching process while some people argue that homework has its due releva
Some contend that giving homework for students should be avoided, while other argue that educators should give some home-base tasks because they have imperative role for pupils’ development. This essay will examine both
There is no denying the fact that schools have a pivotal role in the process of education of children. While it is a commonly held belief that teachers should not inform students to do any homework, there is also an argu
The youth of every nation is its valuable resource. The responsibility for change, progress and innovation lies on their shoulders. They can make or mar the society. Although it is believed by major strata of society tha
The youth of every nation is its valuable resource. The resposibilty of changes, progress and innovation lies on their shoulders. They can make or mar the society. Although it is believed by major strata of society that
Nowadays, most of the people think about the homeworks have a significant impact of childrens development while the others consider it is not really important for pupils and it is not exactly necessary. I strongly agrre
The importance of assigning homework to children by teachers which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial while others reject this notion. In my opinion, th
Some individuals argue that children having a lots of homework is overwhelming and it should be stopped.While other opinions explain that homework is crucial when it comes to effective education. In this essay, I will di
One of the widely discussed issue nowadays is that a number of parents believe that pupils should not be given with exercises for home practice, while on the contrary, some parents insist that studying at home values in
Some individuals argue that children having a lots of homework is overwhelming and it should be stopped.While other opinions explain that homework is crucial when it comes to effective education. In this essay, I will d
There are the number of individuals who states that, teachers should not provide homework to children studying in schools, because this may have the negative impact. On the other hand, several parents say that in the lif
Many people contend that teachers should not ask schoolchildren to do homework while others assert that homework is one of the most necessary and critical requirements of teaching and learning. Although homework has a k
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not schoolchildren should be given homework. While there are some strong arguments against the setting of homework, I still believe that it is a necessary aspect of education.
Giving homework to children at school in a necessary aspect of education. Otherwise they believe that it is an unecessary burnden on children. For me, the setting of homework would make a improvement to educational outco
Doing homework might be beneficial for school students as it reinforces their learning, increases their own responsibility to the study and provides additional supports for preparing for their academic assessments. Thoug
Kids learning is an important and thorny topic. Anyway, there are two isolated opinions about if the schools should give them a homework or not , i suppose it is support their knowledge abilities, but it could impact on
Children's education plays an vital part of human life. Some people say that homework should not be provided to children by the teacher, while some believe that providing homework is important part of the education. From
There is no denying the fact that the quality of the system education is important we must to improve it. While it is a commonly held belief that school should not give any homework for the students, there is also an arg
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