IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is said that the government should determine a regulation about nutrition food to enhance healthy care in a nation. While, some believe that public health should be individual for some plausible reason. Others feel th
In the modern era, there are some groups who insist that a related law should be created in order to impose on people a responsibility to look after their health with food. However, the other assertive perspective should
Some contend that there should be laws to regulate people's nutrition and food choices, whereas others reckon that people should be able to eat what they want. In this essay, both sides will be explored, followed by my o
Personal and public health are tightly related to food choices. While some people believe that the government should regulate nutrition to ensure public wellness, others argue that it should be people’s decision whether
Good health and a proper diet are an important part of human life. Certain societies believe the health of the communities of the nation should be maintained by the ruling authorities by taking strict decisions regarding
The pattern of eating food has been evolving for many years. Therefore, public authorities should regulate the consumption of eatables thinking some folks while other opposes that humans should not be limited for the sam
Some contend that there should be laws to regulate people's nutrition and food choices to enhance public health, whereas others reckon that they should have the right to eat what they want. In this essay, both sides will
Some people feel that governments should be able to create laws regarding what people eat in order to control their health. Personally, I believe this is a ridiculous idea, and people should be free to make their own dec
There is no doubt that we need to stick to a healthy lifestyle, which helps us stay mentally and physically strong. And the question of whether to establish laws that balance our diet or to leave this decision to society
It is an obvious fact that being healthy conscious people are delighted in life.However, without better ,health they are unable to enjoy their life. Therefore, the government ought to impose a few laws against those i
Certain people believe that food choices and their citizen's nutrition become one of the habit that needs to rule by the government. Whereas other people tend to argue this should be a freedom of private choice and respo
Nowadays, modern people are willing to keep themselves fit. Although, many people think that government making laws regarding nutritious food. Other believe that people should take of health is their responsibility. I pe
Individuals believe that the administration should encourage to healthy society's well-being, while others say that an individual's health is only their own priority and not the authority responsible for it. In this essa
Obesity has become a severe problem in many developed countries like the United Kingdom. Some people argue that governments should implement laws related to nutritious food, while others believe that it is individuals' f
In this day and age, it is a common belief that the government had better impose harsher laws on citizens’ selection of food with a view to combatting detrimental eating habits. From my perspective, I do not concur with
The issue of whether the government should control a human’s meal by-laws has been provoking a lot of debates. Some people say that every individual has a right to choose what they want to eat and know what is better for
The issue of whether the government should control a human’s meal by-laws has been provoking a lot of debates. Some people say that every individual has a right to choose what they want to eat and know what is better for
The government should be responsible making strict laws and regulations about people's nutrition and food preferences. Others believe that, it is individual's choice and responsibility about their food intake. I believe
There is a controversial notion heating a debate over the fact that whether the authorities should enact regulations about ordinary inhabitants’ nourishment and cuisine option. While some claim that would be their decisi
For the time being, controlling humans’ nutrition and eating habits has never failed to provoke controversial debates among people. Some claim that the government should adopt regulations on this issue while others belie
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