IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, some people think that having a family party is compulsory as it is a form of gratitude because they have already achieved the milestone they wished for. Meanwhile, others believe that family celebration is not
In the present society, some of them believe that paying out more money on behalf of wedding functions and birthday parties are unnecessary money-wasting activities. But some of them are believing that these are necess
In the present society, some of them are believed that paying out more money on behalf of wedding functions, birthday parties are unnecessary money-wasting activities. But some of them are believing that these are nece
In the present society some of them are believed that pay out more money on behalf of the wedding functions, birth day parties are unnecessary money wasting activities. But some of them are believing that these are nece
In today's societ, there is an ongoing debate regarding celebration of events. While some opine spending heaps on their important days such as birthdays and anniversaries are crucial. Other contend it as an utter wastage
It is a known practice for some families to host a celebration whenever there is a special occasion. Other people hold the opinion that this is not practical and is a waste of resources. This essay will discuss both view
There has been quite an obvious discussion around the topic of celebrations. While some people believe that spending a lot of money on holding many celebrations like wedding parties, birthday parties and any other specia
Many people argue that spending money on family celebration is very essential and significant thing. while others claim that it is not worth it and just bruning your cash. in my view, it is realy imortant to spend money
There has been quite an obvious discuss around the topic of using huge amount of money on celebration. While some people believe that having a party is just burn your notes out of your pocket, others argued that there ar
It is debated that celebrations such as weddings,birthdays and other parties are just a waste of money while others think these are necessary for individuals and the socities.In my point of view,I totally agree that we s
Whether or not to spend the money on special life events, such as birthdays and marriages has become a controversial issue. While some individuals that it is a mere wastage of wealth, others think it is significant to sp
Some people prefer to spend much money for such events like birthday party or wedding. At the same time there're some persons who think it's a waste of money. I agree with the seconds. In my opinion you can find better
With people's life quality is becoming better and better, some people will cost large amount of money on entertainment such as holding lots of parties and celebrating festivals. Points of views on this kind of behaviors
People have different views on whether it is essential to invest a large sum of money in family get-togethers or it is money squandering. While there are some downsides to investing money in family events, I believe it
Some people believe that costly celebrations are beneficial for individuals and society while others consider the financial loss to be more significant than its advantages. Knowing which of them is true can save some cas
Some are of the opinion that parties like weddings, birthdays and other sort of celebrations are important for the person and society. However, there are other kinds of individuals with the opinion that throwing this
There is a thought considered by some individuals, that spending a lot of money on marriage obligatory.Others say that, it is a waste of time and money.I reckon that it is not mandatory,it depends on people.This essay wi
In today materialistic society some folk view it is crucial to spend a lot of money on wedding and another celebration ,While others view this trend is merely waste of money. In this essay, I will discuss these prospecti
In today materialistic society some folk view it is crucial to spend a lot of money on wedding and another celebration ,While others view this trend is merely waste of money. In this essay, I will discuss these prospecti
As of late, it has become a trend to celebrate marriage or other parties largely by spending huge amounts of money. Even 31st Night is now celebrated all over the world with huge advertising. Some individuals think tha
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