IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A highly controversial topic today relates to whether universities should just accept mark-qualified candidates or allow everyone to enrol without an eligible academic background. In this essay, I will examine this quest
Few individuals argue that territory education need to be given for the ones who have top score while others opine that college have to consider all the people applying for the studies no matter their age or even their p
Few individuals argue that teritory education need to be given for the ones who have top scores while others opine that college have to consider all the people applying for the studies no matter their ages or even their
In my point of view, the both views are all correct. I got a good grade at a practical exam and had a sufficient hight school grade, so I was accepted by my previous university. Other students who started the university
In this knowledge-oriented society, some people argue that universities should only allow students who are achieved an adequate score for higher study. While others think they must offer an opportunity to all pupils equa
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