IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, computer is can be accessed so easy for many people and especially children can access to computer and they play games from computer. In this case some problems arise. This issue will be discussed in this es
At present, a large section of society has direct access to personal computer and many teenagers play games on it. This tendency among people could result to more attachment towards video games also it could put a child'
Computer games are popular among kids nowadays. Some people preceive it can be deterimental to children's development, however, in my opinion, it is my belief that computer games can have positive impacts on them. In the
The advancement in technology has created an evolution in the field of computers and the invention of computer game is a by-product of this process. Although some people believe that computer game affects the development
Computers have invaded our world in all categories. For a result , it has an immense impact on our life. Some people claim that this influence is more harmful. However, others believe that computers lead us to positive s
Despite the improvement of modern awareness, the violent action contained in the relaxed things becoming more and more universal bears some consideration. This circumstance should be prohibited by the authorities due to
Computer games were developed many decades ago, and people of all ages are interested in different software. Certain societies believe playing them has drawbacks for youngsters regarding well-being and social life skills
Years ago, children used to spend their free time playing games outside with friends or engaging in imaginative play, but now they are more likely to be found glued to a screen playing computer games. Some worry that thi
Computer games were developed many decades ago, and people of all ages are interested in different softwares. Certain people believe that playing them has drawbacks for youngsters in terms of well-being and social life s
In recent years, although computers bring about various benefits, it has emerged as one of the vital threats to children lifestyle. This essay will exert detrimental ramifications of playing computer games and propose st
It has been a long debate over whether spending time with technical tools such as computer games and television for children is suitable or not. I completely disagree with wasting time unless there are reasonable reasons
In contemporary society, the widespread accessibility of computers has led to a significant increase in the number of children engaging in computer games. This trend prompts discussions about the positive and negative im
Nowadays mobile phones and computers are part of our life. Because our work is not done without mobile phones and computers. There are good and bad sides. We can see all the places in the world, we can play the games we
Online games have been extremely popular among children in recent years. It is argued that the detrimental impacts of computer games on kids are considerably huge. However, others consider that there are positive sides t
In this day and age, a vast number of children who have computers at home enjoy playing video games on a daily basis. Some experts have mentioned that his activity could cause certain negative consequences, including a r
Currently, more and more individuals get approach to the expanded function of computers and multiple of kids entertain themselves with the computer games. This essay will discuss the main problems associated with this ep
Playing video game become trend among teenagers as they feel relax during that time whereas, some say it has demerits as they faced health problem like obesity. According my viewpoint, the both point have their own impor
Some individuals think that playing games on the computer lead to numerous drawbacks for minors especially on their health and social skills, meanwhile others feel that it has a beneficial impact. In this essay, i will d
Many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children playing computer games is becoming more widespread to many people these days. This essay will examine the consequences and various solut
Many people believe that playing video games has bad impacts on underage kids' medical conditions and communication skills. Meanwhile, some groups think that has good values. The following essay takes a look at the both
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