IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Few individuals believe in taking risks in their lives, while other like to live a life within their comfort zones. In this essay I would like to explore both perspectives and share my viewpoint.
Some people like to do the things they used to do. Others like to try new stuff. Today, I would like to discuss both merits and demerits and give my opinion on this topic in the following paragraphs.
There are those who enjoy seeking out new experiences and trying new destinations and cuisines, while others desire to maintain familiarity by continuing to engage in customary activities. Both of these points of view wi
There is a lot of difference in people's behaviour. Although many people are in favour of trying new things, others prefer to keep doing the same things. This essay will discuss that new experiences open avenues of oppor
People have different attitudes towards things around them. While some people like to do things they are used to, I prefer those people who love to experience new things.
Nowadays, people have many choices to spend their time. While some people like to keep doing things they are used to, I side with those who love to try new experiences.
These days, more and more individuals tend to prefer experimenting with different types of new activities, such as new places, hobbies, meals, and many more. However, others like to carry on doing the same things in thei
Whilst many individuals relish the opportunity to travel and embark on new adventures as a means of self-challenge, there are those who prefer the security of familiar routines. In my view, embracing new experiences is p
People usually have a tendency to comprehend new experiences. Although some individuals are trying to avoid any changes in their lives, others are appealing to discover the world as much as possible. In this essay, I wil
Nowadays, some people wish to try new things, people like to visit places and types of food. Other people prefer to do things which they are familiar with. I will explain the above statement in the following paragraphs.
Whilst many individuals like travelling and seeking new adventures as a way of challenging themselves, there is a group that refuses to leave their comfort zone. In my opinion, if someone wants to try something, they sho
Whilst many individuals like travelling and seeking new adventures as a way of challenging themselves, there is a group that refuses to leave their comfort zone. In my opinion, having new experiences is essential if some
Nowadays, many people are interested in exploring new things such as travelling to new places, eating a variety of cuisines to experience new things in their life. However, some people feel that doing activities that inv
some people believe that they should experience new things such as traveling and trying new kinds of dishes. However, this issue is not entirely straightforward, and other people would like to continue routine experience
The world can be categorized into two major groups, those who are always enthusiastic to go to new places and try different cuisines, and on the other side, those individuals who do not like to make changes in their rout
Some people view to live there live by adventures and discoveries such as visit new places or trying to test new cuisine ,While others prefer to live in the same situation they are familiar with it. In my opinion . I co
The modrean live have alot of new stuff to do , some people want to chick new stuff intheirs life such as new destenation tralvling and eat new types of food ,but others prefer to do what they used to do,
We as a society comprise lots of individuals with different personalities and preferences. One particular example has something to do with whether folk prefer to discover new stuff in life or to be content with their su
We as a society comprise of lots of individuals with different personalities and preferences. One particular example has something to do with whether people prefer to discover new things in life or to be content with the
No two human beings are same on this world, and ,similarly people have different attitudes and expectations. Some individuals are of the nature to try and experiment with new things while others prefer doing what they ar
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