IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Keeping the work and home environments clean adds value to our lives. Many people try to keep their workplace and home clean to feel confident and positive. Also, there is a proverb that "A clean home attracts money." H
In this contemporary epoch, a certain number of people believe that keeping the surroundings organized and hygienic is a relentlessly vital part of every individual's life. I wholeheartedly agree with the matrimonial tha
Many people believe that keeping their houses and workstations clean and in order are of extreme importance. I totally agree that having a tidy environment is important because it brings menthal benefits to individuals a
Many people believe that keeping their houses and workstations clean and in order is of extreme importance. I completely agree that having a tidy environment is important because it brings mental benefits to individuals
The importance of keeping one’s domestic and professional areas orderly, with everything arranged correctly, is commonly promoted. In my opinion, maintaining tidiness and organization in one’s home and workplace is impor
Some individuals opine that it is crucial to keep the estate as well as the work area neat and clean, by organising the stuff in the right place. I agree with this notion and will discuss my opinions in upcoming paragrap
Our home is the mirror of our personality. Few people think that it's necessary to keep house and working areas clean and stuffs are organize. I strongly agree on this as home and workingplace are the places we usually o
We are liveing in morden town. There are all fecility are available. Some People shops online and other people buy your shoping to reatils and other shop like shopping malls and Reatils outlets. To Comments with, Online
In different countries around the world, there are two types of schools, one where male and female students are mixed and those which are uni-sex. There are two opposite views regarding the benefits of each of these type
A well-organized house, which is clean and fresh is always welcoming and creates a pleasant impression, therefore many people put effort into maintaining a tidy living and working environment. The same works for me, as I
A well-organized house, which is clean and fresh is always welcoming and creates a pleasant impression, therefore many people put efforts in maintaining the tidy living and working environment. The same works for me, and
It is often argued by people that home and workplace should be organised and tidy. Being organised and tidy has its benefits like saving time, and energy and keeps humans disease free. This essay will discuss both views,
Clean and tidy environment is important for some of people especially in their home or workplace. In My opinion, It is important to create well ordered place because a well organised place is the best location to do a pr
A clean and well-organised living environment is considered imperative for daily life. Some individuals believe that we should keep our living areas, both working and accommodation places, clean and tidy, and put every
It is said that having a tidy and well-organized home and workplace is important. I strongly agree with this idea because this has many benefits, such as, improving your physical health, making your mood better and incre
Some people believe, it is crucial to maintain the places that you work and live; and everything has to have specific place. In my opinion, this trend is considered to be positive compared with negligible negative aspect
A substantial number of individuals claim that it is essential to be tidy at your home and your workplace,also all the items should be organised and puted in particular place. In my view this atitud is correct and impota
Keeping our surrounding area clean and sanitised is crucial for our health. Few individuals argue that it is most important to make your office and home spick and span to avoid stress. I strongly agree with this statemen
Organizing and cleanliness of personal belongings are two essential activities in many individual's routines. In my opinion, I agree with this statement, and this essay will elaborate about the reasons for my opinion.
A large number of people assert that it is significant to keep houses and workplaces cleaned and organized. In this essay, I will discuss the reason why people should adopt these habits in order to improve their daily ro
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