IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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WHEN IS A PLAINTIFF ENTITLED TO RECOVER? A. A plaintiff who was injured as as result of some negligent conduct on the part of a defendant is entitled to recover compensation for such injury from that defendant.A plaintif
Internet has been significantly developing in recent years. It is believed by a contemporary group of individuals that social network has a negative impact on youngsters whether others assume that it has more advantages
Nowadays, technological advantage has affecting all aspects in daily life. However, some people believe that it gives negative sides to youngsters, while others agree that this can be useful. This essay will discuss both
The Internet has been one of the most important technological developments in the history of humanity. Over the years, the internet has had the particularity to connect people across the world and create new environments
Nowadays, it is incredibly prevalent for a teenager to have lots of social media accounts. The antagonists view this as inevitable and necessary, while the protagonists oppose this view and disagree that they impact the
it is common knowledge that social media has changed our lives. Some people reckon that social media has many disadvantages, whereas others suppose that even though it has some disadvantages there are more advantages. In
Advancement in the internet plays a major role in people's life. Some people argue that social media has more negative impacts on young people, while others argue that there are more positive impacts of social media than
It is often considered that the masses' life gets affected by the development of internet facilities. Whereas, it is believed that social media is a root cause which impacts netizens. While a few individuals think tha
In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, more and more people have been influenced by media. It is argued that social media poses a threat to youngsters, while some people disagree with this opinion. In this essa
In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, more and more people have influenced by media. It is argued that social media poses a threat to youngsters, while some people disagree with this opinion. In this essay, I
Cutting-edge technology has changed people's life enormously. Social media, specifically, is now invading our daily routine, especially bringing a huge impact on teenagers' daily life. Some people firmly believe that th
It is argued by some that social media can exert more havoc to youngsters. Nevertheless, others regard it as beneficial to adolescents. I consider it to be neither harmful nor extremely useful to young people.
In the contemporary modern world, social media platforms play a major role among the younger generation. Most people argue that these platforms can be harmful to its users and others state that these can be useful to its
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