IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is said that parents should motivate their children to participate in group programmes during their spare time, while others have the opinion that children should know how to keep themselves occupied. If children are
It is said that parents should motivate their chidren to participate in group programmes during their spare time, while others have the opinion that children should know how to make themselves occupied. If children are a
While people say that we as parents should guide our children to engage in any of the societal activity in their leisure time, however some force the kids to be involved in a work activity which might be helpful for them
Nowadays, there are many different kinds of activities for children to spend their leisure time. Some people assert that children must attend group activities based on their carers' encouragement if they have free time w
There are conflicting views regarding whether parents should influence their children to join group activities or keep themselves occupied without the help of others. I believe later will help them remain mentally stable
In this day and age , some people argue that it is children should participate in group activities .however ,other believe they should spend time alone , in my opinion . Both things have benefits . I will clarify my opin
Some people say that parents are responsible for their children to take part in group activities in their leisure time, while some say children should develop themselves. In my opinion, all children have different capab
Some people say that parents are responsible for their childrens to take part in the group acitivies in their lieasure time, while some say children should develope themselves. In my opinion, all childrens have different
In the contemporary epoch, a certain proportion of people believe that participation in group activities by learners is beneficial while skeptics say that children should spend their time with themselves or in individual
Many parents prefer to encurage their children to take advantage to do group activities in their free time and others say that it is affected to kid study how to career themselve on their own. I will expian both side and
Many people think relatives are supposed to incentivize their kids into participating in group activities, while others support letting the younger ones figure it out what to do with their free time on their own. This es
When it comes to whether kids spending their free time there are differeing opinions on this matter. A group of people believe that kids should use their free time to participate in activities with other kids ; However,
Raising a child is a rewarding but difficult task that all parents go through. While school occupies most of a child's day, it is important to take part in extracurricular activities as well.
Nowadays, there are various activities that students can do in their leisure time. However, some groups believe that parents should encourage their kids to involve in organization agenda. While, others think it is paramo
There is a group of parents who believe that children should participate in group activities such as discussions and studies while there are some other parents who are of the view that their offspring should focus on thi
Today, many parents enroll their children in various courses or organized group classes. While others give their children the freedom to decide for themselves what they want to do. This essay will explore both points of
Some folks claim that children should be encouraged to do group games and activities in their leisure time, while others believe that children should learn how to enjoy their loneliness and try to occupy themselves on th
Whether little ones should be full freedom to spend their time free time as per their wish is a topic of debate among our society and some people believe that parents should be responsible for planning their activities a
It is believed that children should be encouraged to take part in team activities by their parents since it gives opportunity to interact with others even though others think that this might create difficulties for both
Some people argue juveniles should be able to keep themselves busy because this situation promotes their cognitive development. Meanwhile, the rest believe that children should have more group interactions in their leisu
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