IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People around the globe have both similarities and differences in fine art tastes. Both of them have their benefit. Firstly, I will discuss the benefit of that similarity for societies by being a medium to unite people.
It is true that the existence of cars detriments the air quality. Many people believe that holding a global car-free day can mitigate the damages, whereas I believe that there are more effective measures for this situati
Many people argued that international car-prohibiting days are an efficient method to diminish air pollution. While there might be some reasons to support their existence, I am of the opinion that there are plenty of pos
Air pollution is one of big problems preivailing in the worldwide. Individuals concider that international car-free days are effective rule of increasing air quality; whereas, other argue there are other alternative. All
Nowadays, air pollution has become a great concern as it is increasing global warming . A few masses suggest that a care-free day should be kept on a global level to decrease air damage, while others believe that there a
Some people consider that car-free days effectively decrease the air pollution, while others think there are other actions which are more impactful for minimalizing this global issue. In my opinion, I believe that both a
The Idea of an international car-free day as a means to reduce air pollution is af topic that generates mixed opinions. Advocates argue that it can be an effective way to raise awareness and encourage people to reconside
A section of society believes that an international car-free day will be a more effective solution to decrease air pollution, however, I agree with the latter view of applying effective ideas to do so. This essay will di
There is no doubt that pollution is increasingly becoming a major problem in todays world. While a few people believe that the quality of air can be improved by adopting an international car-free day, others believe ther
Global warming has significantly caused panic amongst masses. People are suggesting various measures to mitigate this serious concern. Some people have suggested that having an international car-free day once every year
most people consider that said the decline in weather pollution for a day halt to use of cars all over the world. Another part believes that there are many various methods to solve it. In my ,opinion I believe that stop
In the present world, cars have become a necessity than a luxury. Having an international no-driving day may seem like a positive way to reduce atmospheric exploitation but it might hamper the community more than actuall
While some people believe that international car-free days best way to minimize air pollution, others argue that there are other measures too which can be more useful for this. The essay will discuss both opinions in the
Nowadays, Air pollution has become a global issue all over the world. Moreover, some people think an international car-free is a trenchant idea to reduce air pollution. While others still believe that implanting trees
Pollution is nowadays a turning topic regarding the environment and human health. It is often argued that having a car free-day is efficient, however, others believe there are better ways to reduce pollution caused by ca
In this con-current age, transportation is one of the biggest reasons for polluting the environment. The public thinks that an international public vehicle-free day is the best to reduce worsening and other thinks that t
The international car-free day is the organization that every transport such as an automatic will be adjourned for one day toward to create a friendly environment without harmful air
Among people are some who opine that holding a car-free event internationally is a key to decreasing air pollution, while others assert that there are more decent methods to solve this difficulty. Even though I respect t
It is often argued that a global day without using cars is a productive strategy to diminish air pollution. By contrast, some of them believe that exist several effective ways to do this. In my opinion, I believe that al
Many mankind considers that 24 hours travelling without vehicles is the better method to go down the air pollution. By contrast, some of them believe that there are different ways to do this. I would argue that mankind
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