IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Back in the day, News were the primary source to get information about the state or society but that is not the case now. Some think that it is just a waste of time to watch or read news now. I completely support this st
Whilst many think that news has nothing to do with the lives of people, I believe that news plays an important role, so reading the newspaper regularly and watching television help us to stay updated with what's happenin
Some people assume that consuming information daily through newspapers and news channels serves them no purpose. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement and will explain my reasonings in the following pas
Some people assume that consuming information daily through newspapers and news channels serves them no purpose. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement and will explain my reasonings in following passage
It is believed that news is detached from the ordinary citizen’s lives and therefore, to watch or to read the news is an unjudicious use of time. While I acknowledge the validity of the disconnection of news coverage fro
There has been quite an obvious discussion around the topic of media platforms. While some people believe that getting news from newspapers and Television is a waste of time, I would argue that receiving news from this m
There are some who believe that newspapers and TV news are irrelevant and unnecessary; therefore, public should not read and watch them anymore. I disagree with these opinions, as I found these platforms helpful in provi
Some people argue that news does not really affect their lives, making it pointless and useless. While some may claim that being aware of news is wasting time, I do believe that watching or reading news can navigate us a
Many people think that the use of time for reading newspapers or watching TV news is meaningless because of the lack of correlation with an individual's life. I disagree with the statement, because watching TV and readin
Nowadays, technology has taken control of the world and the media is everywhere to be found. It includes the news and it is inevitable to separate ourselves from it. I believe that everyone should be aware of what's taki
Many people think that newspapers and TV news have no straight connection with folk’s lives and our time is wasted by using them. I completely disagree with this view as awareness of the world news is necessary for all o
In the digital era, there is a growing belief that newspapers and TV news are outdated since these traditional news sources have no direct relevance to people's personal lives. I, however, disagree with this perspective
News play a vital role in the life of people. Many notions believe that they are not connected with real world hence, it is not worthwhile any more. However, I disagree with this phenomenon owing to the advantages TV and
News has been the means of getting information for many decades. However, it is said that reading and watching the news program is useless. In this essay, I will argue why I totally disagree with this statement.
Some people believe that newspapers and news programs are unnecessary because they are not significantly related to people's lives. I completely disagree with this topic. News consistently exerts a positive influence on
According to some, it is unnecessary to update news in newspapers or television programs because it has no involvement in people’s lives. To a certain extent, I disagree with this point of view and this essay will give f
In the digital era, News plays a vital role in People lifestlye because it is a centralised medium so humans will get the information anywhere around the world . News more interconnected to the everyone lifestyle but som
Some people believe that TV news and newspaper articles are unnecessary because they are useless and have nothing to do with citizens' lives. I completely disagree with this statement. It plays an important role and will
Our virtual world nowadays with technology increasing considerably and individuals can easily receive information not only from local newspapers but also various television shows while the opposes believe that is unneces
The news is the most important element for people to gather knowledge about the world. The prompt notes that the information has no correlation with people's everyday lives, and this is considered not worth while reading
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