IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people assume that consuming information daily through newspapers and news channels serves them no purpose. I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement and will explain my reasonings in following passage
News has been the means of getting information for many decades. However, it is said that reading and watching the news program is useless. In this essay, I will argue why I totally disagree with this statement.
In the digital era, News plays a vital role in People lifestlye because it is a centralised medium so humans will get the information anywhere around the world . News more interconnected to the everyone lifestyle but som
Our virtual world nowadays with technology increasing considerably and individuals can easily receive information not only from local newspapers but also various television shows while the opposes believe that is unneces
The information has no correlation with our everyday lives, and this also destroys our valuable time when we read this news in the newspaper and follow it on television news programmes. I strongly agree with this stateme
News from newspapers and TV is really important in our lives. A section of society thinks news does not matter and is a waste of time. While the news is super useful for staying informed, using it the wrong way can have
News help people to know what happing in the world. News provide a information to nation public. News make community conneted with each other.
Some think that to read journalism in the paper and watch news shows on TV are waste of time because it has nothing to do with their life. I will outline some reasons in this essay why I disagree with this view.
A few masses opine that there is no need for news telecast on television or in articles as these are useless and not related to the lives of citizens. I completely disagree with the statement as it plays an important ro
In conclusion, increasing payouts to employees can help motivate them for the short term, and this comes at a cost to the business; a better way to keep them focused, determined and more productive at work is to introduc
There is controvesial perspectives heating a debate over the fact that news is lack of connection to people’s realistic lives, therefore, this is unnecessary for people to read or watch news. I do not totally consider my
These days, people sometimes argue that it is time-consuming to read newspapers or watch news programs because news is not associated with their lives. Personally, I completely disagree with this view due to several long
Information of day-to-day events flow in people's life thanks to the media. It is argued that news are not as important as some try to tell, due to the dwindle link between personal situation and the happening. Despite t
These days, news reports have a significant role in everyone's life. Few people believe that national reporting channels show no connection to people's lives and that reading newspapers and watching news programs is a ti
These days, news reports have a significant role in everyones life. Few people believe that national reporting channels shows no connection to people lives, also reading newspaper and watching news programs are a time wa
There is no doubt that news is a vital part of our daily life, however, some people believe that newspapers and watching television programs are not connected with people and it is a waste of time. I completely disagree
In the modern era, a part of the population believes that audio-visual programs are connected to individuals in a much better way than newspapers and it’s a waste of time to read them. I strongly disagree with the statem
News helps us to be updated about things happening around the world. However, some highlight that media companies prefer to show what is profitable to them, therefore news is just another way to kill our time unnecessari
Nowadays, the newspaper has a huge connection to human life. You can easily see people reading the news everywhere. Although there are many advantages that the news brings to our daily lives, there is a part of society t
One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is a colossal upsurge in few masses think the news has no link to the community's lives, so it is a waste of time to read news in the newspaper and watch news programs
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