IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Consider the yeti. Reputed to live in the mountainous regions of Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal. Also known by the alias Abominable Snowman. Overgrown, in both senses: eight or ten or twelve feet tall; shaggy. Shy. Possibly a
It is argued that children are most influenced by their parents in their development, while others believe that outside influence has the most impact on them, such as television or friends. I think that while parents hav
Nowadays,It's generally claimed that many parents think that they can directly effect their children education journey.On the other hands,some experts say opposite of this which is educationer professionals one of the
Human development is related to many factors. However, some people believe that parents play the most essential role. While a number of people claim that, there are numerous things such as, television and friend which ha
Some individuals think parents have a crucial role in children's development. However, other people believe that things like television or pals have the most significant role. While some parents believe that television a
When is to kids development, some people believe that parents have the main role, while others think that being around good people, watching and following the right people will have a better impact on children in general
Family Plays a part and parcel role in children lives . Family is the first school of a human being . One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people who believe that in
In various nations around the world, many people opine that families can impact and improve their kids more than other elements such as TV, music, friends and many more. I totally agree that parents affect of their babie
Family environment has a tremendous impact on lives in childhood and that influence may be higher than other factors. I disagree with that idea because of the two reasons.
Many individuals opine that family has the most impact on adolescents' upbringings instead of other elements such as television, music, pals and many more. I agree with this notion and will discuss my points in upcoming
In the realm of a child's development many stimulus play an integral role. Many individuals reckon that the bloodline is more influencial as compared to the outside factors such as friends, television etc. in shaping a k
In the realm of a child's development many stimulus put impact. Many people argue that the influence of mother and father is more strong as compared to external factors. However, others claim that outside environment is
Many schools of thought discuss the biggest influence on child's upbringing concerns internal factors such as family. Whereas others mantain that the roles played by external sources like social circles, or streaming ser
Whether families have significant impact on their childern's behavior or not is a subject of public debate and concern. It is assumed that spending much more time in the society as well as being occupied with the social
While a faction of people holds the notion that family has imperative role offspring development, others argue that external factores have more significant role. I agree with the latter viewpoint as ample reasons are pre
Parents have the most important role in a child’s development or television and friends have the most significant influence. Sometimes better parents, usually better television and friends.
Nowadays, one of the most recent trends of the today's world is the upsurge in children's life development. Most people believe that family plays a significant role in children's life. While others do not. In my perspect
Nowadays, it has become a common argumentary question that, 'who is making more impact for children's development?'. It is considered by many that, family background makes a massive impact for the maturing of a child and
Regarding the most significant influence on offspring’s development, some hold that family shares the largest proportion, whereas others believe other things like TV, friendship or music will take the role better. This e
Regarding the most significant influence on offspring’ development, some hold that family shares the largest proportion, whereas others believe other things like TV, friendship or music will take the role better. This es
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