IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A group of individuals dispute setting a specific time for retirement should not generalised for every person. Instead certain wages and age of retirement are demanded for some careers in labour's early years of work. P
A few people believes that having a default retirement age for all the elderly people above 65 years regardless of their occupation is unfair. They think that specific employees are deserved to retire and receive a pensi
Pension is one of the most crucial benefits of after-work advantages. In many countries, the age of retirement is pre-defined by the authorities and law makers. A certain segment of individuals argues that a certain cate
Some individuals believe that is unjust that 65 years old people should end their work life at this age, no matter their occupation. They think that certain employees should be allow to retire and get they walfare paymen
Retirement is very important aspect in every job holder's life and it is the time when any person moves from job to leisure life. Fixing age for retirement is correct or not and whether certain employees are entitled to
Some people think that having a set retirement age (eg. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age.
Retirement is the time when someone who work has reached certain age of the limit of the productivity. To prepare the retirement, individuals need to ensure that they are financially and mentally prepared for the changes
In our current world where productivity is considered a key economical aspect, there is a growing concern about unifying retirement age for all types of job. In this essay, reasons not to consider such policy and example
It is often argued that, the retirement age for everybody should be equal. I strongly disagree to this given statement and my inclination is justified in the following paraghraphs with explanation and examples.
A great number of population think that having a set retirement age for everybody, according to their occupation, is more rational. They believe that a certain professions deserve to retire and receive a pension at an ea
We all know how important it is to retire after working hard for many years. While, many people are calling for a fixed age to do it, I would argue that a more flexible retirement system should be adopted that takes into
As the number of senior individuals continues to rise, interest in retirement benefits is increasing as well. Pension is one of the most important advantages of retirement. However, the eligibility age is debatable. Nume
It has been thought that to unreasonably specify the range of age to retire for every profession is disadvantageous, with belief that the retirement and getting a pension should depend on each profession. I agree with th
Some persons believe that making retirement compulsory at 65 years is prejudicial, therefore, retirement age should be categorised per the nature of work. In my own ,opinion I agree that it should not be categorized by a
It is argued that a working age equally set by the government becomes manifestly partial due to dissimilar obligations in a particular work. In the same way, some occupations should be deliberated to be set free before g
Set retirement age is a debatable issue for many workers. There are several concerns about the completion of employment tenure. I agree with them that this limit should not be fixed due to the following reasons.
It was taught by certain people that the retirement age should be equal for everyone without considering the different types of occupations and pensions should be for some workers at an earlier age. In my opinion. I disa
Some sections of society believe that it is not fair to set retirement age such as 65 years. They think that some parts of workers are allowed to dismiss their jobs and get a pension earlier. I disagree with the statemen
It has been thought by some people that it should be managed in the age of retirement in order to reduce the time spent on working before retirement, no matter what type of career it is. I agree with this view and I thin
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