IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed that there should be no room for plastic utensils due to their contribution to the environmental impacts. The writer strongly agrees that they not only cause the economic cost but also lead to health conce
Some argue that plastic bags should be prohibited because they pollute the environment. This essay completely agrees with this statement because this rule forces people to change their habits and this practice will save
There is agreement among several people that plastic bags must be prohibited in every shopping activity since they lead to pollution issues on land and sea. Aside from its real influence on the liveability of the earth,
Plastic bags have been used to carry groceries from mart to home for more than 100 years. However, now people are more aware of its dangers and believe that these bags should not be allowed because of their contribution
It is true that the major cause of pollution is plastic bags.I completely agree with this statement as it pollutes both lands as well as the sea equally.
It is undeniable that plastic bags play an essential role on a daily basis. Numerous people think the government should forbid the use of plastic bags due to devastating pollution. I totally agree with the statement beca
It is undeniable that plastic bags play an essential role on human daily basis. Numerous people think the government should forbid the use of plastic bags due to devastating pollution. I totally agree with the statement
Nowadays the question of whether the government should ban plastic shopping bags due to their contribution to land and sea pollution has been receiving a great deal of public attention. I totally agree with the statement
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