IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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No doubt, Education is the moment from darkness to light however nowadays individuals debate with each other ,first say digital textbooks and smart classes are good ways to teach students , whereas opponents are against
Many individuals argue that schools should change learning materials to digital textbooks, whereas other people hold the opposite opinion. In my view, I believe using a tablet in the classroom is more beneficial to learn
Although there is a widespread belief that digital learning supplies ought to be used by schools instead of printed ones, there are people opposed to this idea. Personally, I support the former view as electronic textboo
Although a large number of people consider that printed schoolbooks used in educational institutions ought to be replaced by electronic materials on tablets, others are convinced that only paper-based books should be pre
The argument that students' textbooks should be replaced by electronic books on tablets is both supported and refuted by many. In my opinion, even though digital technologies appear as a suitable learning tool for studen
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