IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is an opinion that the main meaning of education is future employment, while others believe that it holds more important functions. It is a key aspect in modern-day society to have a stable job, which provides mone
There is no denying the fact that most jobs require experience or graduate from universities before sign any contract. While it is a commonly held belief that individuals are thinking to prepare students for employment i
While some people believe the acquisition of knowledge on campuses is aiming to have a good career in later life, others hold opposite ideals by suggesting that educational institutions should pay more attention to culti
In recent years, the issue of the study system has been brought to the public attention. Some people put forward the idea that the study structure should only focus on preparing students for employment . Nevertheless, th
Many people feel that getting pupils ready for their careers should be main focus of schools, where as others believe that schools should have additional purposes. This essay discusses both sides of this argument and the
A number of individuals have believed that focusing on employability is the most pivotal education goal these days, whereas others have disapproved and thought that there are other crucial elements needed by students, su
Education is an indispensable part of human aspects, people's literacy level can decide the country's advancement around the world. However, some believe that the academic structure is only focused on setting employment
The educational agenda is an important factor for the learner's future , thus some people believe that the system should mainly prepare the pupils for employment . However , others consider that there are other essential
Education is an indispensable part of human aspects. Some people believe education system need to give prominence to moulding student for their task while the other assumes it's has other necessary benefits as well. This
In this modern era, education is very essential thing.Many people believe that colleges and universities must have to concentrate on ready the students for futur Jobes.But on other hand people also think that that there
Many people argue that schools should mainly prepare the pupils for their careers in the future, but other people claim that schools not only focus on kids' employment but also take care of their other traits. However, I
There is no doubt that educational institutions play an important role in constructing their student’s career. While some believe that preparing their pupils should solely be focus of these institutions, I would argue th
Many people feel that getting pupils ready for their careers should be the main focus of schools, whereas others believe that schools should have additional purposes. This essay discusses both sides of this argument and
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