IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that financial success is a good measure to reflect the accomplishment of any person in their business. Admittedly, monetary accomplishment is one of the major factors that need to be considered to ev
Many people believe that money is the only way to evaluate the triumph in the business. However, the achievement of the business is not only by judging money but also by many external factors. Money is the factor to esti
The debate surrounding an idea that money is a standard to assess the success of people in business. However, the writer claims that money is just a supportive tool, while well-adaption and advantageous contribution to s
Presently, there is a conception that money is the only way to evaluate the achievement of the business. However, judging by money is no longer a true measurement due to many foreign factors and has been transformed into
The original essence of any business is systematic profit-making. Because of that, it is thought by many people that the true indicator of success is the size of the bank account. However, the truth is that it is not une
Profit is one of the aspects considered when evaluating the success of a particular business. However, it should not be taken into account as the sole indicator, as it may not accurately depict the true situation within
People commonly argue that the amount of profit you make in business is the most effective way to judge your success. In my opinion, I believe that money is a certain evidence to judge success but there are other things
The success of a business has been a topic of debate in recent years, so according to some, it only can be judged by the amount of money that a business earns. In my opinion, money is a reliable measurement to judge the
The world is becoming increasingly materialistic and, as a result, a vast number of businessmen are judged as being successful on the basis of their profits and losses. I tend to believe that an individual’s stability an
The Public often considers that a person's victory in his commercial venture is decided by how much money he is able to make. Though currency is one of the most important keys for the replenishment of being the most succ
These days, the majority of our morality is changed due to financial matters. Hence, most communities judge people's success especially in business only based on their income. I believe this is an absolutely wrong way to
Some individuals have a thought that the success of a business can be judged by the amount of money it makes and others believe that there are other parameters of a thriving business. We can have different views about th
Financial success is often seen as an important indicator of business success. The more monay someone makes, the more success they have in business.
Paying university fees is becoming a huge challenge for most students. Therefore, most students do different types of part-time jobs to cover most of their expenses. This essay will discuss why it is a smart move to take
It is common for people to be judged as successful, based on the financial soundness of their business . However , some sections of society believe that there is more to it than just being rich. In this essay, we sha
Nowadays possessing a business is considered to be the wealthiness indicator as its running demand much time, effort and knowledge. Some people believe that only business outcomes can point out if it is enough successful
cash , in many ,businesses can be seen as the indicator of achievement. However, it is argued between folk about whether wage was the true indicator or if there is another one. I personally believe that the financial sta
To be a owner, yearly profit is always be their most concern factor. Some people believe that the amount of money make by the owner is the only wat to judge their success. In my opinion, I disagree with this statement. I
In the modern era, there is no doubt business has developed on an unprecedented scale. Moreover, more and more individuals are attracted by the idea of wage, Also, there are several ways in which companies are positively
It is common for people to be judged as successful, based on the financial soundness of their business. However, some sections of society believe that there is more to it than just being rich. In this essay, we shall dis
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