IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has arguments that parents play an important role in teaching their offspring how to distinguish right and wrong while others think that parents should focus on helping the children to grow up safely. From the writer'
Parental scope of responsibilities has been a debatable topic for years. While some people argue that parents have the responsibility to educate their children on moral sense and norms in society, others claim that paren
Parents have a primary role in nurturing and growing their children. Some people believe that the role of parents is to teach them how to be well-adjusted individuals,while other people believe the crucial role of parent
For several years the responsibilities of kids have been a matter of debate. Although some people suggest that children should be taught by their parents about the wrong and right things as well as etiquette, others bel
In today's world, parents should be role models for children and teach them what things are good and what is bad because it is very much necessary for a child to be a good human being and help others in the future. Clea
Nowadays, the dispute between child-rearing approaches is singled out as a concern preoccupying the populace. It is irrefutable that parental involvement is indispensable for a child's either mental or physical well-bein
While it is commonly thought by some that the key responsibility of parents is being educators for their children, others claim providing safety is more vital patents’ role. In my opinion, I consider that parents defin
While it is commonly thought by some that the key responsibility of parents is being educators for their children, others claim providing safety is more vital patents’ role. In my opinion, I consider that parents defin
There is an argument about whether the role of parents is to teach their children discipline and the ability to distinguish right from wrong or provide a safe environment to grow up . I believe that these two mentioned r
There is much controversy over the function of parents in nurturing offspring. Some people suggest that guardians should teach their offspring right and wrong while others argue they are only responsible to provide a saf
It is often held that, parents have to play several roles in their children’s life. While some people argue that the main duty of parents is to teach the right values to their children, others believe that is more fundam
Over the past few decades, the families at large have witnessed issues with regard to effective Parenting.It may not be a hyperbole to suggest that the deficiency in proper awareness has been a core element and an invio
It is often believed by some folks that parents should be the role of disciplining and teaching their children about what’s right and what’s wrong. Whereas, others oppose and claim that parents’ main job is to allow thei
In modern society,it is widely believed that families ought to consult their offspring about what is right or wrong.Despite this,numerous others claim that it is more fundamental to provide them with a proper environment
Nowadays many people consider their kids which means they think juniors should be disciplined about what is wrong and what is the right thing to be influenced by their parents. while others mention their children should
There has been a controversy about whether parents should interfere with children's growth. I think it's better to let children grow naturally, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Kids are meant to be disciplined and taught what is bad and good, while a certain group may disapprove of this being the role of the parent, another group believes a guardian's responsibility is to bring up the child in
Parents have important roles in children growth, especially teaching them the basic knowledge for living in society. Most parents hope that their children will grow into a fine people that has positive impacts on society
There is much controversy over the role of parents in nurturing offspring. Some people suggest that parents should teach their children right and wrong while others argue they are only responsible to provide a safe cond
These days, it has been debatable whether parents should play a vital role in forming the discipline of their pupils, or they should be mainly responsible for providing the necessary care and being a safe zone for childr
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