IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The majority of community often say that when folk use cultural practice to attract citizens to make bill, they will be destroyed.Others think that it is the best action to rescue the folklore.This author agrees with t
The majority of people often said that when people used the cultural traditions as attract the citizen to make money,it will be destroyed.Others think that it is the best way to rescue the traditions.This author agrees w
There is an ongoing discussion about peoples' concern over the side effects of tourism using cultural activities to create an entertainment business and how it destroys traditional values. While the rest of the majority
In this fast pacing world, the public tend to neglect the importance of traditional cultures around them. It is a form of identity and a piece of history of the nation. Despite that, there are still people who believe th
Some people believe that the authenticity of traditional customs will deteriorate once they are used as a money-making attraction for tourists, while some others consider this as an attempt to preserve these traditions.
In modern times, the issue of cultural traditions has become highly controversial.There are those who say that Culture traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Howeve
Some people believe that cultural traditions will disappear if they are used for money-making purposes, while others believe this is the only way to preserve such traditions. Personally, I agree that charging for cultura
Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when | they are used as money-making of attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss both sides and give y
It is often stated that tourism ruins the importance of any heritages that are showcased for the purpose of growing the national economy. However, many argue otherwise and view tourism as a form of salvation. In this ess
Some people believe that cultural traditions are destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others say this is the only way to save such traditions. In my opinion, both of the above opini
Nowadays,society tends to promote traditional objects,places or clothing so that they can gain tourists, with the help of social media not thinking about the consequences,even though this way might benefit a number of lo
It is true that cultural traditions has become one of profit making type. However, while some people consider that trend as detrimental for cultures, I do have an opinion that it is the only way that can save them.
Tourists are frequently attracted to aboriginally distinct crafted cultural products and purchase them as souvenirs or gifts. Some locals argue that exploiting cultural expeditions as a business strategy would destroy tr
Tourism is a great way of increasing revenue and sharing the host country or city`s history and traditions. There is a point of view that considers this business as a threat to cultural habits with the only intention bei
There is a heated debate about whether cultural traditions should be preserved. While some people argue that this approach can help promote cultural heritage, others, including myself, believe that it can have negative e
Two different opinions are there on whether traditional values presented as tourist attractions, to make money are damaging or helpful in retaining them. In my view, this way helps to save the loss of cultural traits.
Nowadays, individuals are divided into two groups. The first group argued that traditional culture can be knock down because of different amusements and attractions for tourists. Meanwhile, the second group believes that
It is undeniable that a globalised world has drastically influenced on a myraid of cultural traditions worldwide, which is risky when those places have an aim to rely on travellers' distributions. Although some propound
In recent decades, there are many debates related to the conservation of the country's customs. Many people perceived that the heritage of a country will be destroyed if they used for commercial purposes. However, some a
there is a current debate surrounding whether tourism is one of the culprits in destroying cultural traditions. however, others think that this industry is the only way to preserve them. personally, I hold the belief tha
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