IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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When we talk about free time everyone has an idea of which one of them is more exciting, helpful, or even useful. In my view, we need to spend our free time on recovery. One of the best ways that you can spend your time
When it comes to free-time activities, watching sports has been gaining more popularity so far. Therefore, some hold the belief that watching sports is a waste of time. In my view, I am in complete disagreement with this
In this busy life, most people need some interest for spending time, and experiencing a new pursuit. However, some argue that watching football on break is simply a waste of time. I absolutely disagree with this statemen
Many people believe that spending time watching sports in their spare time is not a beneficial thing, it is like wasting time. However, I opposite to this statement for several reasons.
There is a prevalent belief that spending leisure time watching sports is a waste of one's time. However, I contend that such a perspective overlooks the numerous benefits that sports viewing offers, including stress red
Some people say keep watched any activities about sports on your day off is juat wasting of times. In my opinion doing or watching any of games it does not spending time without any benefits, In the otherhand there was a
It is often argue that preferring to use the lesiure time for watching the games is considered as a waste . This esaay will depict the points for spengind time over watching the sports activities is beneficial.
It is argued that watching sports programs as a hobby is a time-wasting activity. I profoundly disagree with this point of view and I believe that it ameliorates the feelings of sympathy and coordination in society.
Sports play a crucial role in pysical and mental health of individuals due to its paramount importance, without any doubt society is divided into two groups as per distant mindset of different people. Therefore many peo
Whether or not watching sports in one's free time is a waste of time is a matter of opinion. There are a number of arguments for and against watching sports.
Sporting events and competitions has always been a joy to watch. People across various countries from different ages enjoy it, as it is not only entertaining, but also connects people together and help relieve stress at
Sports is a wide source of entertainment. For some people, it becomes an obsession to watch sports. However, many believe that it is not healthy and one should indulge in more productive activity. I disagree with this id
we all know that there is a saying " time is gold". Because time is priceless and if we miss the second, we cannot get it back. In this modern world, people engage in several activities, businesses and some courses. The
The phenomenon of people spending their free time watching sports has aroused wide concern among various circles. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I believe that people should use their free
Nowadays, people generally spend their day seeing sports. Some folks argue that watching sports in free time is unnecessary. I completely disagree with this point as it has some advantages like relaxing and getting motiv
Recently, the phenomenon of spending time on watching sports has aroused wide concerns among various circles and there is a wide spectrum of opinions on the importance of watching sports events. Although some people argu
In modern society, there is a wide range of lifestyles. Some think that watching sports in one's free time is just a waste of time. As far as I am concerned, spending time on leisure activities is important in terms of h
As technology has advanced a wider array of programmes are commenced to be watched, and sports are not an exception. A plethora of individuals tend to believe that this activity is just a consumption of spare hours as it
It is an irrefutable fact that technology is changing our lifestyles. One of these technological advances that impact our lives is TV. People watch different programmes, including sports on TV to unwind their minds. Howe
In this busy world, leisure space is considered to be a most valuable period. Though spending free time depends upon an Individual's own interest, some argue that watching athletics on break is simply a waste of that ses
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