IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, a variety of kid's learning study institutions are published. So, many people think it is better to join these centers rather than stay at home. This essay will discuss both sides and will draw my personal co
Recently there have been two options for raising young children and each option has a beneficial aspect. Care by family members provides individualized settings for each child, while childcare centres can afford standard
In today's society, the prevalence of dual-income households has sparked debate over the most suitable childcare arrangements for working parents. While some advocate for family-based care, particularly involving grandpa
Nowadays there is a tendency for new parents that believe in the better care that their offspring could receive while some others still feel comfortable with the services that childcare is able to provide. I believe t
Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some parents think it’s best for their children to be cared for by their grandparents, while others believe childcare centers are better. Let’s look at both sides and wh
In the 21st century, dual-income families revel in a better financial hold and are likely to undergo less monetary stress. The question arises who should take responsibility for their children. Some people believe that t
Parents are overly occupied with work and not able to take care of their children and opt to drop them at a daycare centre, thinking it could offer the best services. However, there are other parents who think their clos
Now, a lot of families both parents are working. Some parents who work think that other family member like grandfather and grandmother can look after their children, meanwhile others believe that kindergarten give best c
In this modern days, the majority of families is working parents with different views in taking care of their children. Some parents believe that making their own parents take care of their kids is the best decision whil
Currently, many parents tend to be busy working, and they need to rely on someone else to take care of their offspring. While some people think childcare organisations can offer the best care, I would argue that children
Some people argue that grandparents can look after their grandchildren because grandparents will be entertained and give full love support to the children. However, others think that it is mandatory for the parents to fu
It is undeniable, that modern living conditions make family members work hard. Children are left with grandparents or stay in the kinder gardens in such situations. In this essay, I will discuss both arguments, as well a
In the 21st century, dual-income families revel in a better financial hold and are likely to undergo less monetary stress. The question arises who should take responsibility for their children. Some people believe that t
In this era of time, working parents are now searching for people that could look after their children. Some parents would ask other family members, such as grandparents, to take care of their children. Others opted for
Nowadays lots of parents do jobs and work in their day-to-day life. Do some parents use childcare centres to keep their children till they work and some parents keep their children with their grandfather or grandmother.
Nowadays lots of parents doin jobs and working on their day to day life. So soem parents using childcare centers to keep their childs till they work and some parents keep their child with grandfather or grandmother. From
In modern society, most parents are both working and need someone who can care for their children. Some argue that family members provide the best care and others believe childcare centers are more effective than relying
In modern globalization, education spread throughout the country and educated fathers and mothers from many families are working in several sectors. Although few parents think grandparents can take care of their children
In this day and time, there is an increasing trend of both father and mother having their own careers. In that case, few individuals believe that grandparents can look after their grandchildren, while others argue that d
These days, there are a lot of families where both working parents should decide who should take care of their children. Some individuals are of the opinion that family members are the best caretakers, while others hold
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