IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The rural exodus of young people to urban areas presents several challenges for countryside communities, exacerbating existing issues and creating new ones. This demographic shift can lead to a myriad of problems:
Young adults are migrating to cities, leaving behind the older generation in the suburbs. This phenomenon will cause the countryside to be depleted in human resources and become underdeveloped. To address this predicamen
The notion suggests that there are a few youngsters that leave the village in order to live in a more modern city while the elderly stay in that area. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problem caused by this
Many elders dwell in villages, left out by the youngsters to reside in metropolitan areas. This essay will discuss the motives and ways to overcome this problem.
In this era, most young people leave their hometowns to live in cities or urban areas. There are only elderly people who still stay in the countryside. I believe the main reason young people migrate is to get a better li
Currently, most of the youth generation are moving from the countryside to live in cities and towns, thus the elder people are left behind in the countryside. This situation is happening because young people are more eag
The certain part of youth tend to leave their old relatives in the countrysides and villages, in order to live in cities and towns. This essay will explain the reasons of this behaviour and , of course , solutions to thi
The migration of young individuals from rural areas to urban centers has become a prevailing trend, leaving the countryside inhabited primarily by the elderly. This demographic shift poses a range of challenges that affe
The countryside over the years has seen a decrease in youth and middle-aged people, leaving only the elderly behind.The reason for this is that young people tend to leave the countryside to head to the cities and towns h
These young generations tend to leave their hometown including their family only to live in a new foreign city. This essay will suggest the problems that might emerge from this issue as such the teenagers will get cultur
There have been numerous discussions as to whether youngsters residing in cities are relocating from farmland to survive in metropolitan, abandoning the aged in the outskirts. However, I believe that the youths are migra
A growing number of people are moving out from rural areas to settle down in cities and towns However they leave seniors behind. this essay will present this issue including lacking work and amenities in the countrysid
Nowadays in many countries, there are many challenges that the government faces every day. One of them, some young people are leaving their homes in regional areas for urban cities. They keep the elderly alone by themsel
Some youngsters prefer to live in the city centre more than in the countryside. In contrast, the elderly prefer to live in the city side instead. This essay will discuss the reason why this issue happened.
Many people choose to leave their hometowns to live in big cities. That condition makes the village full of only old people. This essay will try to elaborate about what are the reasons behind this problem, and provide so
Many people choose to leave their hometowns to live in big cities. That condition makes village full of only elderly. This essay will try to elaborate about what are the reasons behind this problem, and provide solutions
It is considered, that the young are moving out from the countryside to live in a bigger agglomeration. That process leads to leaving elderly people alone. This essay will discourse on what consequences, such a situation
Old people in the countryside are going to be alone because some youngsters are leaving their homes in the countryside to live in urbane. The problem of being solely grand people in villages is caused by the leaving of y
Nowadays, youth want to live in developed zones for the reason that there are no available jobs and perspectives in the countryside, as a result, youth are leaving all old people alone. That can be a cause of several pr
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