IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The people are talking about the way to result on money and get knowledge at the same moment. It is hard to achieve because three aspects must be present. Namely, moment, tranquility, and relaxation. But, in my opinion,
Some people believe that having a combination of doing one's own job and studying is not possible. They generally say that individuals who work don't have enough time to study. This essay is supposed to elaborate on the
Space of comfort, ambiance of peace and having enough time to study is important, however, working at the same time need the same thing. Others, fine it impossible, because you cannot do both at the same. Nowadays, peopl
Acquiring knowledge requires dedication, focus and an urge to learn new concepts. Some people believe that this tendency of having concentration and comfortability is equally demanded by employees while others deny it. I
It cannot be denied that people hold different opinions about the pursuing studies and involve in the employment at the same time because both need focus and dedication. It is argued by some individuals that these create
Learning requires a great deal of focus and dedication and since jobs also require the same, some people opine that it is not possible to pursue studies and employment at the same time. I do not quite agree with this vie
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