IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays the number of people who work remotely has increased because of the appearance of the Internet. This working system has a number of advantages and disadvantages that will be elaborated on here.
Recently, after the Covid-19 virus, it became popular to have home-placed work. And each person who has ever had the wish to do work in such an arrangement weighs all the positive and negative sides of this type of busin
The development of the internet has made working from home become practicable. However, I do not believe the advantages of this trend could outweigh the drawbacks it brought to everyone. This essay will discuss my perspe
Technology has impacted the way of working . The discovery of the internet has made it possible for people to work from their home instead of their offices. It is agreed that this arrangement has more advantages than d
Technology has impacted the way of working . The discovery of the internet has made possible for people to work from their home instead of their offices. In my opinion, this arrangement has more advantages than disadvan
The emergence of the internet has revolutionized all aspects of our lives. Since the covid 19 pandemic, most companies have readily institutionalized work from home as the new normal. Though there are many advantages to
Because of increasing technological advancement, many had dreamt about working from their own home via the Internet for decades. Yet, it was not until the COVID-19 crisis that made this possibility became prevalent as ph
The Internet has made the modern world a lot more convenient and integrated compared to the past. Internet nowadays has the capability of making working from home possible. This essay will analyse the advantages and disa
We live in the century which is full of different means of communication. We cannot imagine our life without accept to the Internet because it is very important to communicate with our family, friends or to find a job. M
The internet has facilitd working at home instead going to office. However it has decreased contact among people. This essay shall consider the advantages and disadvantages of working at home and ent at a personal approa
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