IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The bar chart presents the employment rates for different kinds of occupations by gender in Australia in the previous year. According to the data, it is evident that clerical and professional positions are the only categ
The bar chart illustrates the statistics regarding Australian employee numbers in the previous year, categorized by occupation type and gender. Overall, it can be seen that males percentage outnumbered females in all cat
The bar chart illustrates the statistics regarding Australians employee number in the previous year, categorized in occupation type and gender. Overall, it can be seen that males percentage outnumbered females in all cat
The following illustration gives information about the number of male and female employees in Australia last year. The bar chart depicts 7 sectors of employment.
The bar chart represents the information related to the number of male and female workers in different professions in Australia in the previous year. Overall, what stands out from the figure is that the majority of the w
The bar graph provides statistics about how many people were employed according to their professions depending on gender in Australia last year. Units are measured in thousands of people.
The bar chart illustrates that how many males and females were employed in seven different positions in Australia last year. Overall, we can see that there were severe gender gap, and the number of males were more than f
The bar chart depicts information about employees by gender and kind of jobs, in last year, in Australia. There are seven categories divided by 2 sex: male and female. Overall, there are more men than women in all sector
The bar graph illustrates medium of earning of australian residents through seven different types of jobs namely, posted as managers, professionals, semi professionals, tradepersons, production, classical and labourers i
The bar chart provides last year's data of employees per job type and gender in Australia. Generally, there were seven types of jobs and two gender, male and female.
The bar chart illustrates and compares the total population of job holders in Australia last year with various job titles based on their gender.
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