IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is a contentious issue whether grandparents should reside with their family and grandchildren or they should live independently. Some believe in the family they can give moral support and increase intergenerational bo
In recently years, a lot of violent crimes are committed by adults as well as under- 18 teenagers. Some people believe that teenagers who doer serious crimes should punish like adults. Others think argue that they should
Currently, the topic of studying history is something which bears some consideration. While there are students who think that learning history is very interesting, others suppose that history is really boring. I believe
In the modern era, there is a heated controversy about whether older members of society should live with their families or in special residences with their peer. Because of numerous mental and physical reasons, I endorse
Violent offences are increasingly prevalent among minors. Some individuals would argue that they should be punished and get the same treatment as grown-ups, while others believe that children need to be re-educated. I p
•While some reporters believe that grandparents have to reside with their immediate family, others suppose that those elderly should be persuaded to live on their own. Since experiences have proven peaceful co-existence
Passing time, individuals grow and get old, on the one hand, some people believe elderly people should live with their sons and daughters, on the other hand, some of them think it is better for the retired community to k
From the time a child is brought into this world, they become the most important element in their parent's life. This is a much-needed and direct result of evolution in humankind. Not surprisingly, in the modern world, t
Many major offences are carried out by teenagers more often these days. While it is justified that sending underaged children to prison just like adults is one solution, I believe that they should be better off in rehabi
Heinous crimes are increasing these days among the youth. While a section of society believes these children must be punished similarly to adults as they pose a serious threat to society. Others are of the view that they
A group of individuals present the view that it is better for grandparents to live with their extended families, whereas others believe old people ought to be inspired to live separately. I strongly agree with the former
In recent decades, living with parents-in-law has caused many arguments in every family. Although some people believe that grandparents will bring the family a huge source of benefits, others think they do not receive an
History reflects the past of our older generation. It teaches us about their lifestyle. Some people think that history is a fantastic and interesting subject which is taught by their teachers at school whereas others thi
Some people believe that older people ought to live in the same place with their daughter or son and their descendants, while there are others who say that older adults should live on their own. Although the first idea h
Major violent offences are being carried out by children more often. While some would argue that they should get the same treatment as grown-ups because this would ensure that the victims are given justice, I believe tha
Juvenile people tend to commit more extremely violent crimes these days. That makes for controversial arguments about whether they should be punished like adults or just re-educated. This essay will discuss both of these
Firstly, I would like to appreciate your kindness, Dr. Tuyen. Thanks for your advice and encouragement. After knowing that your Mandarin speaking skills improved a lot in several years, and the story that you took degree
It is argued by critics that elder people would better live in conjunction with their posterity, whereas others state that they should live alone. This essay will further discuss both perspectives and show that being acc
Nowadays, a lot of families use to live together with their parents. Elder people make a place in their house for their children's families. The cost of living is rising and new couples can't afford of moving to a new h
It is often , many people believe that getting children into school an early age could be a good decision of parents ,while there are many one's have opposite opinion , ,However I strongly opine with the early study ,
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