IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The charts display the results of a survey regarding adult education. The bar chart shows what motivates adults to study, while the pie chart shows the people’s ideal percentages of funding for the courses.
The bar graph shows seven different reasons why adults choose to learn something new, in addition, the pie diagram depicts how communities see a shared cost between the three sides to support grown-up lesson. It can be s
The two charts show the results of adults' motivation to take a higher degree and the breakdown of the payment portion scheme of the adults' education.
The combination of bar and pie chart illustrates the result of survey as well reasons why adults decided to study and how the cost of adult education should be shared respectively. The data has been calibrated in percent
The given graphs illustrate several details received during the survey among the population. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused adults to continue their learning, whereas the circular chart informs about pu
The bar and pie charts give illustrates the adults’ reasons for education (seven categories) and the way people opinion (three categories) about the course’s cost that had to be shared. Overall, most adults chose their e
The graphs provide the results of a survey conducted on adult education about the reasons why adults pursue further studies, along with how the fund for the education should be distributed. Overall, the survey reveals th
The bar chart describes why adults go into education and the pie chart shows who the respondents think should pay for it. People mostly go into education out of interest, and, perhaps unsurprisingly,it is believed that t
The diagram chart depicts the percentages of seven reasons of adults in education, while the pie chart gives the proportion of how three different adults people thinks of their cost of education should be shared. General
The bar chart gives information about the percentage of adults’ reasons for pursuing their study, while the pie chart illustrates the educational costs sharing. Overall, being interested in the subject is the main purpos
The graph below gives information the outcome of the survey. The first graph compares the total percentages that decide to study divided seven categories. The pie chart illustrates how people believe the costs of adults
The bar chart and pie chart illustrate the results of a survey of adult education. In the bar chart, the reasons why adults decide to study can be observed, and in the pie chart, it represents how people think the costs
The bar chart illustrats study have been decided by adults for several differents reasons. While the pie graph depict how people think the payment of students learning should be shared. Overall, both of interest in subje
The graphs provide the data collected after a survey was conducted on youth education. The charts illustrate the reasons for studying and how the cost of the course should be shared according to survey respondents.
The first bar chart highlights the study motives of adults. Additionally, the second pie chart also presents the respondents' opinions on the funding dispersal of education.
The figures below give information on a survey result that was conducted on adult education. The first graph illustrates the proofs why young people make a decision to educate. The second diagram describes how humans bel
The data represented by the two graphs illustrates the outcome of a survey about why adults continue to study and how the cost of tuition should be paid. Overall, most of the adult respondents choose to study due to pers
The aforementioned graphs indicate the outcome of a survey among the adults to continuing their education. The first one shows the matters that people want to study. The second chart demonstrates society's thoughts abou
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