IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The line graph provides information about the total number of people in Japan in terms of age group commencing in 1960 and how it is been estimated in 2040.
The given information illustrates the Japan's people by age stages beginning in 1960 and maintaining a predict to 2040
The line graph gives information about Japan's population proportion by three age groups beginning in 1960 over the period of 80 years.
The line graph provides information about the proportion of three different age groups in Japan over the eighty-year period (between 1960 and 2040).
The illustrated line graph gives data on the forecast of the Japanese by their age ranges from 1960 to 2040.
The supplied bar chart illustrates the data on the proportions of Japanese who belong to the various age gaps in the years between 1960 and 2040.
The presented chart provides information about the population of Japan according to age classification between the years 1960 and 2040.
The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of the number of Japanese by age between 1960 and 2040. In brief, the percentage of 0-14 and 25-64 sections have fluctuated for 80 years, whereas there has been a slight inc
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