IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The set of bar charts provides information about the percentage of satisfaction rating for married and unmarried people in the United States and the effect of having children on the overall happiness level of married cou
The two supplied pie charts outline the trend of results of a survey which sampled a cross section of 100 people from 1994 to 1998. And the destinations of visits abroad by UK residents to western Europe, North America,
The tables provide the outcome of the poll that was done to collect data about people's journeys from 1994 to 1998. The first chart gives the information about aims of the trips while the second one shows the popularity
The first table illustrates the results of a research which contains 100000 individuals that were questioned if they travelled to another country and the reason for their journey between 1994 and 1998. The second table g
The chart below depicts the outcomes of a survey of individuals who visited four kinds of tourist attractions in England in 1999.
The pie chart gives information abut the percentage of people who visited four different tourist attractions in Britain and the table graph show the proportion of visitors to five different activities in Themes Park duri
The line graph illustrates changes in working age of adults in France, United States, Japan,Germany over the period of ninety years from 1960 to 2050.
The pie chart bellow illustrates the percentage of the most to least popular of Britain recreational places which visitors visited in 1999.
The table chart represents the number of visits abroad by UK citizens by different purposes between 1994 and 1998 while the line graph illustrates their favourite areas in the same years.
The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999. It is clear that theme parks and museums / galleries were the two most popular ty
The given charts depict information about the proportion of people in the UK who visit abroad with purpose, while the next chart shows their country of destination between the years 1994-1998.
The upper and lower charts illustrate the different information. One is about the answers for traveling abroad purposes in the UK over the given period; the other shows the figure for destinations from 1994 to 1998.
The bar chart shows the percentage of people who are happy in the United States. The first one divides people into age groups and marital status. The second chart demonstrates how children impact the rating of happiness
The table and chart show people travelling abroad and why they travelled for the period 1994-98. Specifically, the table illustrates figures for tourists from the United Kingdom who visit abroad for different reasons. Wh
The chart above depicts the research outcome on the distribution of visitors among different tourist spots in Britain in 1999. The values are calibrated in percentages.
These two diagrams show happiness ratings between two groups of single and married people. Also they show the difference between couples with children and without them. This survey was done in the US. Conforming to th
The given chats are showing statistics about the happiness of couples in different ages. They are comparing married and unmarried couples and if they have children or not.
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