IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The figuers illustrate the data about the UK as a travel destination as well as number of british tourists that visited different nations over a 20-years period.
Chart one contains detailed data about millions of UK residents visit to various countries as well as other nationalities or residents visited to the UK in between the years 1979 to 1994. Chart 2 illustrates the informat
The line graph illustrates the number of two different types of citizens in five-year intervals from 1979 to 1999 and the bar chart presents the quantity of the UK population going on trips to five different countries in
The presented graphs depict the data about trip from and to UK, and about the most visitable countries for UK dwellers. As is observed from the given data, it is evident that both the visits abroad by UK residents and th
The line chart depicts how many UK inhabitants headed abroad from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph details the travel choices of UK citizens to five popular destinations in 1999, with all figures expressed in millions.
The two charts illustrate respectively the figures for foreign tourists visiting the UK and UK citizens travelling abroad from 1969 to 1989, and the preferred countries for UK residents to travel to in 1989.
The line chart illustrates about the information of travel to UK and travel to other countries from the UK. Meanwhile the bar charts shows that the highest preferences from the UK residents.
The provided line graph figures the number of UK citizens who travel abroad and overseas travelers who came to visit the UK between 1979 and 1999 while bar chart illustrates most favorite countries of UK citizens in 1
The line graph illustrates the trend of visitors who attend and go overseas from the UK between 1979 and 1999. Moreover, the bar graph reveals the data of favourite countries to explore by UK federation.
The charts presented the amount of travelers either from UK residents abroad or otherwise, overseas residents who traveled to UK over the years. On the other hand, the bar charts gives the information about countries tha
Given are 2 graphs concerning traveling in the UK. While the former line graph reveals the number of travels to and from the UK\ from 1979 to 1999, the latter bar graph indicates the figure of the most renown nations sto
The first graph illustrates about number of visits abroad by the united kingdom residents and visits to the Uk by overseas residents from the year of 19979 to 1999, and the second graph shows most visited counties in 199
The line graph gives information about the percentage of local and foreign people who travelled either to or from the UK in a twenty-year duration, from 1979 to 1999, and the bar chart indicates 5 countries where have b
The line graph compares the numbers of foreign visitors travelling to the UK and that of British people travelling to other countries over the period of two decades. The bar chart illustrates how many UK citizens travell
The line graph ilustrations how many people visits to and from the UK since 1979 till 1999, whereas, the bar chart give information about most popular countries (France, Spain, USA, Greece, and Turkey) visited by UK res
The first chart highlights data about travelling into and out of the UK in percentages and the second one also displays reports about favourable territories from Britain travellers' perspective.
The line graph illustrates the number of visitors in and out the UK in 20 years period, whereas the bar chart describes the trendiest countries visited by the citizens of the UK in 1999. The units are measured in million
Information about the number of tourists to the UK and the number of UK citizens, who visited other countries, for a twenty year period is presented by a line graph. Data about the most popular places among the British
Given two charts illustrate the numbers of comers and goers of UK, as well as the countries which are mostly visited by UK residents.
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