IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Overall, the library has experienced substantial changes, the most prominent of which are the introduction of dedicated spaces for events, self-service facilities, and a cafe. Additionally, the library now has an open sp
The presented maps draw a comparative analysis between the structure of the central library 20 years ago and its current plan. A broad view of the design shows that in the past, the visitors were mainly provided with th
The given maps illustrate the main renovations which took place in the central library over 20 years ago. In general, it appears that the central library has become a more modern public area, with far more welfare servic
The given maps illustrate the main changes which have taken place in the central library over 20 years ago. In general, it appears that the central library has become a more modern public area, with far more welfare serv
A glance at the two maps delineates information about the commensurability of the floor scheme of a public library two decades ago, while the second one is that of today. Overall, it can be explicitly perceived that the
Contained in the two maps is information pertaining to the changes of a public library from 20 years ago to the present day. Overall, it can be seen that more amenities are added to the whole library whilst books are sti
The 2 pictures illlustrate differences of central Library of 20 years before and today. The layout seems no modification comparing with 20 years ago. There are 4 rooms located in 4 corners and some functional areas arran
The diagrams illustrate the developments that have taken place in the floor plan of the central library since 20 years ago. Overall, there have been extensive changes in terms of usage of rooms and recreational facilitie
The given picture illustrates the arrangement of a state library at present compared to its layout 20 years ago. Overall, it is clear that the library underwent various alterations including the relocation and the constr
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