IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement making process, and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes.
The figures demonstrate the steps and tools which are used in the cement production, and how particularly cement is used for producing concrete for building aims.
The given diagram illustrates the process of cement making and special technical equipment, and also how cement is used for producing concrete to build houses.
The first diagram illustrates the process of cement manufacturing, and the second diagram illustrates the components that are used in the concrete production.
The figure down exampes the methods and tools that used in the cement creating steps , and how cement is used to maling concrete for building purposes .
The illustrations indicate the phases and tools used in the process of making cement, and the stages of using cement to manufacture concrete for building goals.
The diagram below indicates the different steps and devices that intervene in cement production and the way the concrete is made with cement in construction zones.
The pictures above depict the process of creating cement, and later the production of concrete. One noticeable feature is that the cement production is mostly a step-by-step process, whereas the concrete production is ma
The process diagram below illustrates the steps and tools used to make cement, and how it used to make concrete.
The diagram illustrates detailed steps of making cement and its subsequent used in concrete production process.
The two diagrams illustrate the steps and tools involved in producing cement, as well as the utilization of cement in the production of concrete for construction. Overall, it can be seen that this linear process consists
The illustrations depict the cement production steps and types of equipment used and how this material helps with concrete production for structural purposes as cement is one of the ingredients of concrete with few other
This image depicts the intricate process of cement production in various stages, culminating in the creation of concrete used for construction purposes.
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