IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Individuals argue that an authority should distribute money in scientific courses rather than other subjects so that development can be seen. I firmly agree with this statement, and I will explain several reasons.
Individuals argue that the authority should distribute money in scientific courses than other subjects so that development can be seen. I firmly agree with this statement, and I will explain several reasons.
Whether the authority's fund should be spent on science subjects rather than other ones in order to improve the country is often debated. The writer of this essay does not completely align with this notion as not only le
Overall, I agree with the statement because if the government spend more money to teach science as a main subject in schools and colleges then this will help the overall development of the nation, and the country will b
It is believed by many that governments should invest more money in educating science to expand and evolve their country, compared to teaching other subjects. If more individuals gain deeper knowledge of science-related
In the modern world, science has a crucial role in many technological developments. It is undeniable that the government should give more budget in academics for enhancement of these subjects. I agree with the view as th
The functions of governments come in an array of forms, among which science and technology education is an indispensable facet. In spite of its importance, I am of the opinion that there exist other educational aspects t
Investing funds in science might be an appropriate deposit. Most of the successful governments have planned several investment methods to progress. There is no doubt that I totally agree with this method. I will clarify
It is concurred by many that, governments should devote additional funds to science and technology to develop the nation.However, some believe other subjects have equal importance.I greatly agree with the first statemen
It is undoubtedly true that scientific research has changed the way of living humans. Some Individuals ponder that the government should only allocate massive funds to burgeon scientific research as well as the science
This intricate and promoted human civilization, has been erected by adverted techniques elicited from a fascinating concept of "science". Throughout history, governments had advocated from particular abstract and impract
In this digital era, investing an enormous amount of money in science stream has become a common phenomenon. There are calls for governments to allocate money to teach science subjects other than investing on other subj
In this contemporary era, society is more exposed to stress than ever before. While several reasons are causing the problem, it is necessary that health measures are taken and society's lost mental health be retained. Th
The concept of funding science education rather than other subjects is given significant importance, largely influenced by the aspiration for societal progression. Considering the evident benefits of social well-being a
With the growing development in different fields, such as medicine and technology, there is an opinion that the authorities should emphasize science as the main discipline at school, rather than other subjects. I disagre
The first bar chart clearly shows the growth in the percentage of people who owned a computer between 2002 and 2010. In 2002, approximately 55% of the population had a computer. This increased gradually over each two-yea
Government funds are not only spent on providing science education, but these also invested on rest of the subjects. Individuals argued that science curiculum plays a pivoal role to advance a nation, so spending money on
In the contemporary rapidly changing world, a growing number of technological advancements attracts many country's governments on earth. Investing a significant sum in the technological field rather than other subjects i
It is claimed that government should put money into scientific subjects, for making students well-educated, in order to make them helpful for the country's growth. I disagree with these view, as all youngster should make
The debate over whether governments should allocate a larger portion of their budgets to science education, compared to other academic disciplines, is a contentious one. While some argue that prioritizing science is pivo
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