IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given graph demonstrates the various types of transport used for commuting to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
The given graph depicts the percentage of commuters using four means of transportation in a city in Europe in the years of 1960, 1980 and 2000.
The line graph illustrates the number of people, who used public transport for different age groups and types of cities in 2016.
The graph provides the percentage of public transport used by different age groups and location of residence in 2016.
The provided line graph illustrates data about the use of public transport in particular country, by age and site of citizens, in 2016.
The line graph illustrates the proportion of people who used public transportation for the different age groups in two types of cities, large cities and other cities.
The line graph illustrates the percentage of public transport use rate by six different age groups and two locations in one country in 2016. The two places were large cities and others.
The diagram reflects details regarding the use of shared transport in a particular state, according to age, as well as location. This essay will focus on analyzing and comparing the use of public vehicles in 2016, based
The data for the use of public transportation for a given country by age group and geography of citizens in 2016 has been illustrated by the given line graphs. Overall, higher percentages of local transportation has been
The graph depicts the four various kinds of tranport (train, car, tube and bus) used to travel and from work in an European city during three different years.
The graph illustrates data about the usage of public transport in large city residents and other residents by 6 age group in 2016.
This bar chart illustrates various vehicles that people used to go to and return from their workplaces in European cities in three diverse years - 1960, 1980 and 2000.
The diagram delineates the type of transportation citizens of a European country used to travel to and from their workplaces in three different years - 1960, 1980 and 2000. As an overall trend, cars gained huge populari
The bar chart describes three ways that citizens of a European city may use to go to work. The data refers to 1960, 1980 and 2000. Overall, it is clear that the main trend changed a lot between those years, in ,fact pref
The line graph illustrates the difference in the utilization of public transportation in a particular country, according to the age groups and addresses, in 2016.
This bar chart gives us pieces of data about the different means of transportation for people going to and returning from their work in a European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000.
The guven line graph gives data a bout the information about the use of public transport in one country,by age group and location of residence,in 2006.There are six age groups.
The line graph provides information about the use of public transport in a particular area, by age group and location of residence, in 2016. Units are measured in percentage.
The bar chart below gives information about what people used to commute from and to their workplace in a certain city in Europe for 40 years. Generally, the preferable mode of transportation was changed every 20 years.
The given bar chart demonstrates the usage of various types of commuting to and from work in a European city in three different years: 1960, 1980 and 2000.
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