IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given bar graph provides data on the average daily sales of different five food, namely hot coffee, iced coffee, ice cream, soup and salad at the Birsk cafe by winter and summer.
The bar chart compares of Brisk Café's 5 different kinds of food such as hot coffee, iced coffee, ice cream, and soup and salad of their sales in winter and summer. Overall, it is clear that hot coffee is far higher than
The given bar chart illustrates the mean of everyday sales, by a number of servings.
The bar graph compares illustrates the daily average sales of various food items during winter and summer seasons.
The provided bar chart gives information about the average's daily sales in the selection of food products at the Brisk Cafe among the seasons, which consists of five categories namely; hot coffee, iced coffee,ice cream
the given bar chart compares the average daily sales of five different food items during the winter and summer in the Brisk Café.
The bar chart displays the average income from certain items per day at the Brisk Cafe within two different seasons, which are winter and summer.
The graph gives information about the number of servings sold by the Brisk Cafe in winter and summer. Overall, the hot menu is preferable in the winter while for the cold menu is highly ordered in the summer. On the othe
The given bar chart illustrates information about daily sales by food aspects in five different categories, such as hot caffeine, iced coffee, ice cream, soup and salad in winter and summer. Overall, it is noticeable, th
The charts illustrate the temperature and rainfall in equatorial and Mediterranean climates between January and December. Units are measured in Cu mm and degrees Celsius.
The bar chart compares the number of daily servings of some items at the Brisk Cafe in the winter and summer seasons.
The given bar chart illustrates the comparation of food items that have been sold everyday at Brisk Cafe in Winter and Summer. The units were measured in number of servings and the items divided into five types, hot coff
The bar chart depicts the average daily consumption of certain snack items at the Brisk Cafe in two seasons, winter and summer.
The bar chart depicts everyday sales of meals at Brisk Café by summer and winter. the data has been calibrated in servings. overall, in winter the sales of hot coffee were the best-selling item. However, iced coffee was
The assigned bar graph reflects information about average sales of selected food items at the brisk cafe by season of winter and summer. Such items are hot caffeine, iced espresso, amalgamation and potato salad.
The bar chart compares the totals number of given food items sold in two different seasons at the Brisk Cafe.
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