IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Obesity is one of the major health condition among the population these days. It is believed that adding physical education lessons in the study is the ultimate way to resolve this issue. I completely support this ideolo
Nowadays, the percentage of fat people has dramatically increased and the health care system is putting a lot of effort to solve this problem; however, some people believe that adding a new subject that encourages studen
The rising levels of obesity among people, place an enormous burden on the healthcare system. Some people believe that the most effective way to deal with the problem is to incorporate more physical education classes in
Statistics show that over-weighing has been radically increasing health issues in recent times, consequently, getting the medical system under excessive pressure in order to deal with it. Most commonly proposed reform to
Owing to the problems on which a growing population of overweight people causes of the health care system, some people think that the key to solving these issues is to have more sports and exercises in schools. In my opi
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