IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today’s digital area, the internet makes people not need to meet face-to-face to communicate. On the other hand, it also makes more and more people tend to avoid socialization. I personally agree with this notion, and
With the advant of information technology, communication has became easier than ever before. While some people believe that this is a positive development, others argue that it causes isolation and desocialisation. I com
Some people argue that the burgeoning usage of the Internet and mobile phones will make the traditional letter-writing skills entirely vanish. In my opinion, although the traditional skills of letter writing will decline
In modern society, communication between individuals is really important. The internet is one tool that helps us to stay in each other even though when we are in distance. However, it also brings some impacts to our soci
People started to use the Internet several years ago. The advancement of technology enables people to communicate with each other without any difficulties even in different countries, cities, and areas. On the other hand
A while back it was difficult to stay in touch with loved ones, this changed over a decade ago, thanks to technology which is continuously changing for the better. Nowadays we are always connected with one another becaus
In the modern era, the advancement of technology, especially internet enables us to connect with others across the world, regardless of the location. However, it can also deteriorate the relationship in realistic. In thi
There is an opinion that while the internet allows individuals to be in touch despite the distance increasing number of people tend to avoid socialization. From my perspective, I partially agree with this statement as ev
It is undoubted that the letter writing skills are declining due to the development of modern communication techniques like mobile phones and the Internet, but I do not believe these skills will wholely vanish in the fu
Nowadays there are different views about whether or not the Internet service is a good communication tool or not. Some individuals consider the Internet to connect with each other very easily and quickly while others th
The internet gives us the opportunity to be in contact even though we live in different parts of the world. Nevertheless, it not only pushes people to stay isolated but also, could negatively influence people's behavio
In last recent decades, based on our technological progress such as the internet and gadgets human beings can have relations with each other all around the earth, and given that a lot of problems such as isolation and an
Nowadays, technology has revolutionized our everyday lives. While Internet has made us more isolated and less sociable, I completely agree with the fact that it has facilitated our connections with other individuals in e
In recent times,increased the use of modern technology such as the internet, phones and laptops. Some individuals believe that internet helps people to conduct with anyone and anywhere, while others think that it may lea
Nowadays, in the digital era, advanced technology provides people with the opportunity to be in contact with each other everywhere. Although pros, there are cons such as alienation from the real world and relocating to v
This company monopolize the whole export industry. This company monopolize the whole export industry. This company monopolize the whole export industry. This company monopolize the whole export industry. This company
There is not doubt that this days a lot of people use the internet in many places. The question is, is it nice to the people when they employ the internet? In this essay, I,m going to draw if i agree or disagree.
In the 21st century, communication methods are changed regarded the internet get widespread. There is sometimes an argument among some masses that raises questions: Is the internet beneficial? or Has its adverse effect
Nowadays, with the advent of social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, more and more people started to use internet in order to communicate with each other from different places. In this way, people who live
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