IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In nowadays social medias and all the influencer that more powerful for teenager lifestyle wherether all the young generations which apying attention to scolling on platforms that inittialy spending time more than in the
It is not secret that social media and other kind of sources of information have gread influence to people beheviors and mind. I totally agree with this statement.
Nowadays, when our generation lives in an era of technology development, people's thoughts are drastically influenced by the Internet. It is agreed, that teenager's beliefs are formed on the basis of what is seen, theref
These experiences of involvement in projects and industrial exposure were both deeply insightful and in fact, were contributing factors to my growing enthusiasm for the aircraft systems and flight performance field. Now,
The impact of the mass media has sparked major controversy in society. While some people believe that mass media has an influence on the younger generation and might bring several advantages, others claim that the opposi
It is believed that the mass media like television, published broadcasts and radio have an effect on both society and people's characteristics. I completely agree with this statement that the media have several impacts
In today's interconnected world, Online platform has become very powerful, plays a vital role in our community, and also, determines our lifestyle and interest. In my opinion, I strongly agree that media and other channe
People tend to receive information about news, lifestyles, or entertainment through various means of communication such as television, radio, and newspapers. Along with technological developments, individuals are shiftin
People tend to receive information about news, lifestyles, or entertainment by various means of communication such as television, radio, and newspaper. Along with technology developments, individuals are shifting to othe
It is a matter of common knowledge, that technological evolution changed the world dramatcilly and noticable, nowadyas the main soucre of information are tv radios and cellphones, which can be found in every household.
The majority of the population believed there is an enormous impact of mass media in forming and reforming societal beliefs and attitudes.I agree with this statement and will explain my reasons in this essay.
In this new world of Eras, due to advancements in technology ,mass media sources are available in every home. Mass media plays a crucial role to spread information across the world. Therefore some information provided by
Every day we get numerous information from all over the world in different ways including newspapers, radio, tv or websites. Considering the fact that the sources of all these media should be properly verified, we tend t
The system of communication that makes news and entertainment accessible to the majority of people through books, newspapers, radio, television and the Internet is called "mass media". It has the power to change the thi
Nowadays, whether the mass media influences our society and shapes our opinions and characters has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the attention of the public. Some people believe that the mass media influence
Media has played a crucial role in spreading information all over the world. Therefore, some people believe that media sources such as TV, radio, and newspapers are influencing the people's thoughts. I completely agree w
In the contemporary era, there is a heated argument over the issue that is mass media had an extensive influence in shaping our lives and ideas. The role of media such as newspaper, television and other platform is to in
In this epoc of modern civilization, telecommunication media and print media broadcasting information plays a vital role in forming or changing opinion of its spectators.
Mass media plays an indispensible role in our lives.It has changed significantly from past times.
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