IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, there has been a shift in population from the agricultural regions to the metropolitan areas, posing huge challenges to both places. This essay will shed lights on the possible reasons for such trend, an
It is an undeniable fact that the migration of the population from underdeveloped places to large cities wreaks havoc not only on developed operations but also on small cities which has led to catastrophic scenarios cau
The large scale movement of people from agricultural areas to bigger cities significantly increased in the past decade.This created a lot of problems in both agricultural areas and in big cities.
In this present-day world, it has to be said that the trend of migration to city is increased than bygone days as there are some merits such as better lifestyle and more job opportunities,however,it may pave the way for
Globalisation and urbanization have led to the development of big cities and have encouraged people to move to cities to seek a better standard of living. However, this migration has caused a population explosion and a s
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