IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Research has shown that the internet access has given us the opportunity to communicate with others worldwide. Most people choose to communicate through the internet rather than sending letters as it occurred in the pas
These days,it is asserted by some that the Internet induces individuals to interact with each other using social media instead of face-to-face communication.While some contend that it can have positive consequences such
These days,it is asserted by some that Internet induce individuals to interact with each other using social media instead of face-to-face communication.While some contend that it can have positive consequences such as ti
Thanks to the development of social media, our communication methods have changed these days. There are some people who recognize that this development has a positive impact on human lives. On the other hand, other peop
Thanks to the development on social media, our communication methods have been changed these days. Some people support this and think it is a positive development. Others believe that social media have negative effects.
With the development of the internet, people can easily keep in touch via Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. Some think that it is a positive progress of the internet, but others believe it is not. From my perspec
Nowadays, Technology and internet developed rapidly to change the way we communicate. Most of the communication occurs through social media these days. Some people think this is a positive development and support this in
The given charts illustrate how people used coal, oil, wind, hydropower, and renewable energy for fuel production in 2002, and how they consume it nowadays.
Nowadays, the way of communication is differed due to the widespread of the internet utilization. Besides, people are contacting with each other excesively by social media instead of meeting face-to-face. Some people bel
Over more than two decades, the internet media industry has grown significantly and brought plenty of benefits to our lives. Anyway, some people believe that this progress has downsides as well.
Over more than two decades, the internet industry grew significantly and brought a plenty of benefits in our life. Anyway, some people believe that this progress has downside effect as well. I would like to discuss both
Nowadays social media is one of the most important means of communication. Due to this, some people think that it is a natural and positive way of developing the human comunnications, but I believe it has some negative e
Communication styles have changed radically over the past 20 years, and this is largely due to the prevalence of social media websites. Some see this as a wonderful enhancement of their lifestyle, while others have a mor
The technology revolution changed the interaction between the society. Some see it as a positive side. Others believe that social media has a negative influence. From my perspective, The benefits of the Internet outw
The way people interact today is changed by the internet such as Facebook and Instagram. Some people believe that the internet brings some benefits, while others argue it has several negative effects on people's lives. T
The arrival of the internet revolutionised the means we use to stay in touch. This technological breakthrough has shortened distances between people, now it is much easier to communicate than before. For that reason, man
The internet has altered how people interact with each other, and the interaction nowadays is made through social platforms. While some individuals support this phenomenon and consider it will bring a positive effect, ot
In my opinion, modern society is overly dependent on mobile phones. The ease of accessing information and entertainment are main reasons why people spend so much time on their phones. Additionally, mobile phones are an e
In the past decade we witnessed a significant change in how our society communicates. The rise of the internet followed by social media undeniably changed our world. Today experts and non-experts alike hold different vi
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