IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A glance at the pie chart provided reveals how much money British students spent per month on different categories of items, along with their income sources in 2016.
A glance at the pie chart provided reveals how much money British students spent per month in different categories of items, along with their income sources in 2016.
The data illustrates the amount of money spent by students in the UK monthly in 2016 as well as provides information on the sources of income. Overall, young people get money from various sources, most significantly, fro
The pie chart shows the average monthly student expenditure in the UK in 2016. The bar chart shows sources of student income in the same year.
The chart gives information about how much money students spent in the UK for the year 2016 and the chart illustrates where they got their money in 2016. Units are measured in pounds in the first figure and in percentage
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