IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The chart gives information about the number of passengers per year (measured in millions) of Underground Railways Systems in 6 big cities in the world, located in 2 cities in Asia, America, Europe continental, respectiv
The given table provides information about the underground railway systems (date opened, kilometres of route, and passenger per year) in six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles).
The provided table illustrates the underground railway systems namely date opened, kilometres of route and passengers per year in six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, Los Angeles). Overall, r
The table provides underground railway systems information in six different cities based on the date opened, kilometres of route, and passengers per year (in millions). Overall, Washington DC has the highest route develo
The table depicts the system of underground railway in three categories namely, date opened, kilometers of route, and annual passengers in millions, in six different cities. Overall, the oldest railway is in London and t
The given table illustrates the systems of underground railway in six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, Los Angeles) which measured by opening date, route (in kilometres), and passengers per y
The given table compares the underground railway systems in six major cities measured in the annual number of passengers. The data supported with the route established in and the length of each. Overall, the three oldest
The table illustrates the information about how underground railway is being constructed in six different cities. Overall, it can be clearly seen in this chart that London was the oldest city to date opening and also th
The given table provides information about the underground railway routes that were opened in six cities from 1863 to 2001. Overall, Tokyo had the highest proportion of people who travelled by train. In contrast, Kyoto a
The table depicts information about the passengers each year, distance and date of opening the railways system in six cities. Overall, it is noticeable that the 3 oldest railway systems (London, Paris and Tokyo) have lon
The provided table shows subway system statistics for six distinct cities. Overall, London has the earliest metro system, while Los Angeles has established the metro just recently. Additionally, Tokyo represents the hig
The table compares six cities in terms of underground railway systems in 3 categories (date opened, length and passengers).
This table illustrate information about subway ways in different towns.
The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities.The table compares the six networks in terms of their age, size and the number of people who use them each year. It is clear that the three ol
The table provides data on the underground railway structure in six cities. Overall, the three oldest railway systems, In London, Paris, and Tokyo have longer routes and carry many more passengers than the three in Washi
The table outlines dated open, kilometres of route and the number of commuters of underground train systems in specific cities, namely; London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles.
Data for underground railway system for 6 cities has been tabulated in the given table. Overall, Tokyo receives the higest passengers per year which is 1927 million and the least is in Kyoto which is 45 million.
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