IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table compares the proportions of consumer expenditure for three different categories of products and services in five countries in 2002.
The given table compares the percentage of expenditure which consumers from 5 countries spent on different categories in the year 2002.
Presented for consideration is a table detailing figures for the expenditure of consumers on a variety of products in five distinct nations during 2002.
Different countries' consumer spendings are quite different. The table shows the vary consumer spending on a seires of intems ni the five countries, namely, hte Ireland, Italy, Span, Sweden and Turkey in 2002.
The table illustrates the expenditure of five countries (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey) on various products in 2002, such as food, clothing and education.
The table illustrates how much money in France, Germany, the UK, Turkey, and Spain was spent on food/drinks/tobacco, clothing/footwear, and leisure/education in the year 2002.
The table provides a breakdown of consumer spending in 2002 across five countries—Turkey, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Sweden—in three categories: food/drinks/tobacco, clothing/footwear, and leisure/education. Overall, exp
The table provides data on customer spending among five European countries (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Turkey) in 2002. The purchases were categorized into three groups: food, drinks, and tobaccoo; clothing, footwear
The table below shows an information about consumer spending on different items on five different countries in 2002.
The table indicates information on people's expenditure on three different items in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey in 2002.
The table provides information about the expenditures of consumers on three distinct items in five nations (Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey) in 2002.
The given table provides the percentage of how much money consumers spent on various product categories in five countries in 2002. Overall, in Turkey, people spent much more money on each category among other countries,
The chart illustrates the data about users purchasing on various goods in variety of countries within the period of 2002.
The chart provides data on consumer expenditure on different goods in five countries in 2002
The table chart gives information the proportion of consumer expenditure in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and turkey in three categories during 2002.
According to this data, the expenditure of tobacco/food/drink in Turkey was the highest data with 32,14%, respectively Ireland with 28.91%.Looking at the overall structure, it is readily apparent that the most purchased
The chart below shows the percentage of consumer expenditure for 3 categories of products in five countries in 2002.
The table illustrates the proportion of expenditure in Iceland,Italy,Spain,Sweden and Turkey on 3 types of consumer items in 2002.
The table provide statistics about how much money consumers spent on various items in 5 different countries, namely, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey in 2002.
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