IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table below illustrates information on trips made by different modes of transport in Canada, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands whillst the bar chart also provides data related to the results of a survey into car u
The graphs illustrate the means of transport over four countries and the reason why people use cars for commuting.
The table demonstrates the data about dwellers' preferences on transportation methods with percentages in 4 different boundaries, while the bar graph illustrates the results of the survey which is about why people use c
The table illustrates the proportion of trips in which people use various types of transport in four countries, while the bar graph gives information about the result of a survey of why people use cars in Canada.
The table illustrates data regarding which mode of transportation is utilized during travelling in four parts of the world,namely Canada,Belgium, Netherlands and Germany,whereas the bar chart gives information about why
The given table illustrates information about the ratio of travel which is made by different transport ways in four territories and the bar graph also provides data related to the consequence of a survey on car use.
The table compares modes of transport used in four countries: Canada, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, and the percentage of journeys made by car, bicycle, public transport and on foot. The bar chart shows the resul
This table depicts a comparison between 4 countries about various transport to reach them. While the bar chart depicts the outcome of for what the car used in Canada. It is clear from the graph that journeys made by the
The given table highlights information about the ratio of travel which is made by different transport ways in four territories and the bar graph also gives data related to the consequence of a survey on car use.
The table provided information on five different ways citizens used to commute in four nations ( USA, the UK, France and the Netherlands). In conjunction with this result, the bar graph illustrated the studied data of th
These figures depict the proportion of journeys made by five different forms of transport in three different nations and the most cited reasons the Canadian individuals travel by car to work. It is clear from the graphs
This table depicts the proportions of journeys which made by various sorts of transportations in four nations.It clear from the table that using cars is the highest rates in all countries.
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