IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, some reporters on the social media have a tendency to concentrat on bad news and problems in the society,so it can be harmful for the people and my opinion, i strangly agree that foucsing on the bad
I agree to a greater extent with the statement that the tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and emergencies than on a positive development because it leads to society and resources to diminish
In recent years, there is a tendency that social media pays attention to negative incidents than positive incidents and some people assert that it is debilitating to the public. This essay strongly agrees with this state
I agree this statement. Because throughout the years, media tend to focus on posting negative news than positive topics, such as the war, terror attack, economic crisis, political issues rather than positive news. That i
In recent years, news reporters considered bad news and emergencies to be more important than others so they prefer to report. However, some people think this is not good for people and community. I will claim that news
The news casters have been reporting on TV channels and making sensationalise news. The negative side of the world are being published on television rather than progress in the technology world. However, the affected of
There is a debate over whether news reports focused on accidents and problems is detrimental to the public. I partly agree with this view and I will enumerate my reasons below.
News reports are solely focusing on the negative occurrences in the surroundings rather than focusing on the good developments are considered to be harmful to the people and the society as a whole. In this ,essay I will
The question of whether the media should focus more on problems has sparked heated debate. Some argue that negative contents are harmful to individuals, while others see that problems and emergencies are worth the public
Some argue that news is dangerous for audiences since it prefers to report issues rather than positive developments. I strongly disagree with this opinion because warning contents raise public awareness and netizens now
There is some trajectory that assumes that news reports in the media are harmful to individuals and society as a whole if they are focusing more on problems and emergencies than positive developments. I completely agree
Throughout the years, the media had started to mainly concentrate on posting negative news, such as terror attacks, political issues and other natural disasters rather than sharing positive announcements. Some say that h
News reports are notorious for giving unequal weightage to the portrayal of positive stories and negative ones. This is now the pivot of the debate concerning whether this primary focus on horrible stories is more harmfu
Nowadays, news in social media become more focused on negative events and issues than on good news. Some people believe that this tendency is harmful to individuals and society, and I strongly agree with them because co
Nowadays, News reports will be popular over the globe and the media only focus to show situations and emergencies instead of positive encouragement and this trend will impact communities. I agree with this notion, The ne
There are numerous broadcasting networks across the globe and each and everyone has his or her own reliable sources to get information from. News are broadcatsed day in and day out from around the world, which may be pos
Nowadays, news reporting in media tends to place a greater emphasis on issues and emergencies than on affirmative progress. Some people think that individuals or society could be negatively influenced by those reports. H
It is argued that there has been a significant shift in the media towards bringing to light horrifying problems rather than emphasizing on positive outcomes and news, thus result in negative impact on its audience. I com
In the recent years there has been a significant shift in the media towards bringing to light horrifying problems rather than emphasizing on positive outcomes and news. Some believe this is damaging to society, however I
The media has had a huge impact on the public especially since the invention of television. There is recently a contentious argument whether broadcasting more negative incidents rather than positive events has detrimenta
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