IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given charts below demonstrate the rates of distance shopping sales for various retail sectors in Canada in years 2005 and 2010.
The pie chart illustrates the proportion of 4 different groups product of retail in Canada that have been sale through the internet website, comparing in 2005 and 2010. Overall, electronics and home furnishings decreased
The pie charts delineate the difference between online shopping sales in Canada in two years, 2005 and 2010 in four sectors. It is discernible that the proportion of online sales for each of four sectors changed signific
The given two pie charts below show the online shopping sales for retail sectors in Canada in 2005 and 2010. Each pie chart illustrates the number of percentage of online sales in electronics and appliance, food and beve
The two pie charts shows how many shopping sales sectors for retailing in Canada 2005 and 2012,compared to each year.
The bar chart displays the prediction of sales of jeans for two companies next year and the pie chart illustrates these businesses' market share in jeans at the end of next year in Turkey.
The bar graph illustrates the forecasts about the sale number of jeans from two manufacturers for the next year in Turkey, and the pie chart demonstrates their market share as predictions during the given period.
The display bar chart as well as pie chart describes the estimated sales of Jeans for two companies next year in Turkey and the project market share of the two companies in Jeans at the end of next year.
the two pie charts illustrate how many online sales for retail sectors in Canada completed in the 2005 and in the 2010.
The graphs provide information on the percentage of online shopping in comparison between 2005 and 2010, along with each category. Overall, the percentage on each category is nearly the same in the different 5 years.
The pie charts compare the proportion of online sales across different retail sectors in Canada in two different years.
Answer The two pie charts compare four categories of Canadian shopping online(electronics and appliances, food and beverage, home furnishing and video games) over a period of 5 years. Units are measured in percentages.
The two pie charts illustrate the different scales of the retail sector in online shopping (Electronics and Appliances, Home Furnishings, Food and Beverage, and Video Games) in Canada percentage-wise for the years 2005 a
The given pie chart illustrates the percentage of sellers who sell different commodities through the Internet in Canada in 2005 and 2010. In brief, the proportion of the people who sell electronics and something to dri
The bar graph compares the sales of Jeans between Jack&Jones Co. and Mango Co. for the following year in Turkey, including the pie chart of the estimated market share at the end of next year.
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