IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this fast growing world, people cannot rely on doing the same work or having the same working environment for their whole life. It could be because of the growing technology where most of the repetitive works are subs
Significant changes have occurred in the labour market recently. In this context, it is argued that people should not rely on working in the same position or conditions lifelong. While the reasons for this phenomenon to
In the globalisation era, the circumstances at the workplace are consistently shifting, with the aim of conforming to the digital era. With each passing day, the demand for particular roles at work is continuously growin
Over a short amount of time, the labor market went through significant change. Currently, workers rarely keep the same position or work-life benefits. Clearly, together with automatization, people's needs change which re
With the rapid development of technology and the internet, the world has faced new obstacles in the modern age. Working conditions are one of them whether adapting to certain methods or not being able to prepare for such
Nowadays, lots of people are required to consider changing their occupations. People can no longer rely on getting incomes and sticking with stable jobs because of recent advanced technology and unpredictable human disas
In the modern globalized world, the marketplace is witnessing dramatic changes causing difficulties for employees depending on old working conditions and jobs that were in demand in past but are not anymore. While the e
In this 21st century, work demands are indeed being restructured rapidly, making it harder for workers to follow recent conditions or even the qualifications to do their jobs. This matter cannot be brought up without als
We are indeed living in changing times, which means that nobody can be entirely certain about what will happen so the employees who just have one job are very risky. In my point of view, it comes from many reasons in dai
In the recent times, there are swift shifts on the working environment, causing workers cannot rely to the main occupation they already have. This essay will discuss the plausible reasons to the given phenomena along wit
People apparently see the difference between the previous and new carrier opportunities and working conditions in all over the world. Therefore, they do not need to depend on the same job which they did earlier and ready
In 2020, the AI revolution is so rapid, as a result, the changing speed of work in the world after 2020 is much faster than before the Covid situation. For example, Windows 11, provided by Microsoft, has "Copilot AI", wh
Today's workforce continues to change at a very fast pace. Employees are threatened not to depend on one job and a change of work conditions. This essay will discuss two causes of this trend and suggest two possible solu
Changing work pattern or assignment careers is now increasing because of same job and the same working conditions makes peoples bored. I will discuss the causes and suggest some ways for people to prepare for their futur
Due to the fast changes that the job field is facing, workers cannot pretend to have the same life-long stability that they were used to, in terms of the work they do and its conditions. This essay aims to determine whic
As today's workforce continues to change at a very fast pace. Employees are threatened not to depend on one job and a change of work conditions. This essay will discuss two causes of this trend and suggests two possible
In this modern era, the system of work is frequently modified, so workers are unable to base on unchangeable work or its circumstances for their whole life. This essay will elaborate on the accurate factors of this chang
The world of work is undergoing a radical transformation, with traditional notions of job stability and lifelong careers becoming a relic of the past. Several key factors have contributed to this rapid change, necessitat
People in the old time were use to work in the same company until retirement, in contrast, the younger generation are in favour of job hopping. A fast changing societies derived from advanced technoloigies could be one o
Revolution in technology and science has changed the world of business significantly. Demand for new jobs is increasing while others are disappearing. This essay will discuss the causes of this era and how to prepare the
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